Basal forebrain mediates the influence of the immediate context on animals’ time to act
(A) ACC and BF masks were reproduced from Khalighinejad et al.7 The BF mask contains parts of medial septum/diagonal band of Broca.
(B) The effect of observed actTime on BOLD activity in ACC and BF (GLM2.1).
(C) The effect of deterministic actTime on BOLD activity in ACC and BF (GLM2.2). The lines and shadings show mean and standard error of β weights across scanning sessions (n = 43), respectively. Time zero is the response time.
(D) Significance testing on time course data was performed by using a leave-one-out procedure on the group peak signal (STAR Methods). Each color represents one animal, and each ring is the peak β weight of one scanning session. The gray columns illustrate the group mean. One-sample and paired-sample t tests. ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001.