Table 5.
Included studies on patient-reported outcomes following treatment
Study | Study Design | Severity of MIH | Follow-up in months (range) |
Age of participants | No. of participants (drop outs) | No. of teeth | Primary outcome measure | Intervention | Success |
Jalevik and Klingberg (2012) Sweden |
Retrospective case control | Severe | 108 | 18 at time of review | 72 (5) | NR | CFSS-DS to measure dental fear and anxiety, DVSS satisfaction with dental care, dental health and behaviour management problems by reviewing records. Measured at age 9 and 18 and compared with 41 controls |
Over 9-year period G1 MIH: restorations 26 (86%), extractions 7 (23%), both restorations and extractions 27 (90%) G2 control: restorations 12 (32%), extractions 1 (3%), both restorations and extractions 12 32(%) |
Increased dental fear and anxiety in MIH group at age 9 At age 9, 9 × more treatment in MIH group vs control. Overall 4.2 × more treatment vs control Behaviour management problems higher in MIH group. No difference in satisfaction between groups |
Hasmun et al. (2020) UK |
Prospective cohort | NR | 6 |
Mean 11 Range 7–16 |
103 (17) | Mean 3.2 per participant | OHRQoL using C-OHIP-SF19, SPCC physical appearance subscale, social acceptance subscale, global self-worth | Microabrasion (4.65%), resin infiltration (4.65%), tooth whitening (4.65%), composite resin restoration (2.32%), microabrasion & resin infiltration (54%), microabrasion & tooth whitening (9.3%), tooth whitening & microabrasion and/or resin infiltration (7%) |
Improvement C-OHIP-SF19 score from 47.4 to 59.8 Improvement in SPCC physical subscale appearance. No changes for social acceptance subscale or global self-worth |
KEY: NR not reported, CFSS-D Children’s Fear Survey Schedule-Dental Subscale, DVSS Dental Visit Satisfaction Scale, C-OHIP-SF19 Child Oral Health Impact Profile-Short Form 19, SPCC Harter’s Self-Perception Profile for Children