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. 2022 Mar 1;36(3):283–300. doi: 10.1007/s40263-021-00895-w

Table 3.

PK and PD parameter estimates for the final model

Parameter (unit) Estimate RSE % Inter-individual variability
SD RSE (%) [Shrinkage %]
ka (day−1) 0.157 5.80 0.652 3.95 [52]
β(ka,lwt70) − 0.457 27.1
F (–) 0.685 3.10 0.531 9.00 [72]
Vc (L) 2.62 2.11 0.116 19.3 [NA]
β(Vc,lwt70) 1.2 8.66
ke(P) (days−1) 1.31 8.93 1.14 5.10 [65]
β(ke(P),AI) 0.713 22.2
ksyn0 (nmol/L/day) 0.985 5.91 0.0559 64.1 [99]
β(ksyn0,lwt70) − 1.52 12.1
R0 (nmol/L) 32.5 5.86 0.91 4.66 [61]
β(R0,AI) − 0.544 21.5
β(R0,IV) 0.987 24.9
CL (L/day) 0.34 2.99 0.486 4.66 [53]
β(CL,lwt70) 1.52 4.87
β(CL,IV) − 1.07 10.9
Q (L/day) 0.358 10.9 0.705 27.3 [81]
β(Q,IV) − 2.31 NA
Vp (L) 2.8
KD (nmol/L) 0.167
koff (day−1) 5.53
kdes (year−1) 2.58 5.69 0.654 7.01 [58]
ksyn∞ (nmol/L/day) 0.0554 36.3 2.16 10.3 [64]
β(ksyn∞,IV) 2.49 25.3
B0 (cells/µL) 194 1.25 0.394 2.63 [26]
β(B0,lage38) − 0.282 17.1
β(B0,lwt70) 0.271 18.9
Emax (–) 159 3.18 0.587 4.17 [57]
β(Emax,lBc200) 0.275 11.6
β(Emax,APLIOS) 0.503 9.35
EC50 (mg/L) 0.0057 8.52 0.927 9.68 [81]
Gamma (–) 2.81 11.6 1.46 4.79 [80]
kout (day−1) 0.0124 5.15 0.922 4.64 [64]
β(kout,lwt70) − 0.624 19.8
β(kout,MIRROR) − 0.554 14.1
QB (L/day) 0.78
Vb (L) 3.7 6.26 1.37 5.16 [51]
Corr_Vb_Emax 0.28 22.6
Corr_kout_Vb − 0.336 17.9
Corr_kout_Vb 0.423 12.3
Corr_ka_CL − 0.294 21.0
Corr_kdes_CL 0.642 10.4
Corr_kdes_ka 0.433 23.2
Corr_ke(P)_R0 − 0.551 8.69
Corr_ksyn∞_R0 0.47 13.6
Corr_ksyn∞_ke(P) − 0.464 13.6
Ofatumumab conc. additive (mg/L) 0.0316 3.28
Ofatumumab conc. proportional 0.278 1.72
B cell count additive (cells/µL) 0.153
B cell count proportional 0.381

B0 baseline B cell count, CL clearance, conc. concentration, EC50 concentration producing 50% of maximum drug effect, Emax maximum drug effect, F bioavailability, Gamma sigmoidicity parameter for drug effect in indirect model, IV intravenous, ka absorption rate constant, KD dissociation constant, kdes time rate constant on ksyn, ke(P) elimination rate constant for complex, koff dissociation rate constant, kout B cell elimination rate constant, ksyn synthesis rate constant, ksyn0 synthesis rate constant at time 0, ksyn∞ synthesis rate constant at time infinity, L liter, lwt70 log-transformed body weight normalized to 70 kg, NA not available,  P drug–receptor complex, PD pharmacodynamic, PK pharmacokinetic, Q intercompartmental flow, QB flow  between B cell compartments, R0 receptor amount at baseline, RSE relative standard error, SD standard deviation, Vb peripheral volume of distribution of B cells, Vc central volume of distribution, Vp peripheral volume of distribution of ofatumumab, β covariate effect