Figure 3.
Administration of tributyrin (TB) to mice undergoing desiccating stress protects against corneal barrier disruption and loss of conjunctival goblet cells. (A) Representative images of corneal permeability to Oregon-green-dextran (OGD) of four different animals from each treatment group. (B) Corneal epithelium permeability to OGD was quantified by measuring the mean fluorescence intensity. Each data point represents the average value from both eyes of one animal, n = 8–15 animals. (C) Representative images of conjunctival cryosections with PAS-stained goblet cells (purple-magenta) from TB and vehicle control-treated (PBS) mice. Area demarcated by the square is high magnification of the area underneath. (D) Accumulative data for conjunctival goblet cell number per mm, n = 8–9. (E) Representative images of corneal permeability to Oregon-green-dextran (OGD) of animals from each treatment group. (F) Corneal epithelium permeability to OGD for wild-type (WT) and Slc5a8 knockout (KO) mice gavaged with either vehicle control or tributyrin. Statistical comparisons were made using two-way ANOVA using Tukey’s multiple comparisons test. P value greater than 0.05 was considered non-significant (ns).