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. 2022 Mar 16;10:30. doi: 10.1038/s41413-022-00203-2

Table 2.

Cre mouse lines and their usefulness for pericyte studies

Cre mouse lines Targets Their usefulness for pericyte studies References
In neural and SCI system
Wnt1-Cre, Sox10-Cre mice crossed to Rosa26(eYfp) Tagging of Neural crest-derived MSC Neural crest-derived perivascular cells 61
Foxg1(cre/+);Tgfbr2(flox/flox) (Tgfbr2-cKO) Ko of Tgfbr2 Brain vessel development 64
Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-cre Ko of beta1-integrin (beta1-itg) Perivascular astrocyte, blood–brain barrier 71
Nestin-Cre Ko of CLEC-2 Maturation and integrity of the developing vasculature 67
Wnt1-cre Ko of Ctnnb1 (beta-catenin) Pituitary vasculature, neural crest-derived pericytes 60
NG2-CreERT:R26R-tdTomato Ko of Ninj1 gene Schwann cells and microvasculature 69
Zeb2 (Sip1/Zfhx1b) Ko with Tie2-Cre and Vav-iCre Ko of Zeb2 (Sip1/Zfhx1b) Pericyte coverage of the cephalic vasculature 63
R26R with SM22alpha-Cre Ko of BMPR1A or MMP2 Brain microvessels 41
In skeletal system
Tie2-Cre mice with R26Rosa-lox-Stop-lox-LacZ Tagging of endothelial cells Endothelial cells 73
Ocn-Cre, Dmp1-Cre and Cxcl12(gfp) Tagging Cxcl12(gfp) expressing cells Cxcl12-abundant reticular cells and arteriolar pericytes 74
Rosa26-YFP-Sox10-Cre Tagging of YFP-positive PCs and vSMCs PCs, vascular smooth muscle cells (vSMC) 70
Rosa26R-LacZ Osterix-expressing osteoblast precursors Coupled vascular and osteogenic transformation 68
Wnt1-Cre-Tom and GLAST-CreERT2-Tom GLAST+ Wnt1-traced pericytes Bone marrow pericytes 75
Msx1(lacZ), Msx2(lox) and Sm22alpha-Cre Ko of Msx1(CreERT2) Vascular smooth muscle cells (vSMC) in arteries 66
PDGFRalpha or PDGFRbeta Ko with SM22alpha-Cre Ko of PDGFRalpha or PDGFRbeta Vascular smooth muscle cells (vSMC) development 62
Bmp2 floxed/3.6Col1a1-Cre [Bmp2-cKO(od)] Ko of Bmp2 gene in odontoblasts Odontoblasts on vascular bed and associated pericytes 72
Alpha-SMA-GFP transgenic Bone marrow stromal cells Vascularization in bone microenvironment 58
Other pericyte-related systems
Myh11-Cre(ERT2)tdTomato Ko of KLF4 Smooth muscle cells or pericytes in adipose tissue 57
LysM-Cre Ko of NG2 Tumor vascularization 59
Foxd1-Cre; Rs26-tdTomato Foxd1 progenitor-derived pericytes Myofibroblast precursor 65