Fig. 8. Reinforcing video clips activate mPFC and ATh at the same time in humans.
a Change in BOLD signals upon viewing App-suggested video clips. b Change in BOLD signals upon viewing control clips. c Difference in BOLD signals between app-suggested clips and control clips. d Resting-state functional connectivity map with AM as seed. e Overlapping mPFC zone (BA32 and 9) between c and d. f Resting-state functional connectivity map of the mPFC (e) as seed. g Dynamic causal modeling analysis on the mPFC–AM circuit with a full-model structure involving three components consisting of four intrinsic connections, eight experimental modulation on these connections, and four direct inputs from experimental conditions. h Empirical Bayesian model reduction on the four intrinsic connection parameters indicated the fully connected model was the best intrinsic model (P(m | Y) = 0.70) in which mPFC and AM showed excitatory between-region connections and inhibitory within-region connections. i Empirical Bayesian model reduction on the sixteen full-model parameters showed the best model (P(m | Y) = 0.67) in which parameters with posterior probability >0.95 include: (1) intrinsic positive input from mPFC to AM; (2) intrinsic positive input from AM to mPFC; (3) self-inhibition of AM; (4) disinhibition of mPFC by App; and (5) disinhibition of mPFC by control-video viewing.