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. 2022 Mar 3;12:708632. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.708632

Table 1.

Demographics of propensity score-matched patients with breast cancer receiving total mastectomy under PB-RA with propofol or INHA-GA without propofol.

INHA-GA without propofol N = 707 PB-RA with propofol N = 707 p-value
n (%) n (%)
Age (years) Mean (SD) 56.4 (12.4) 56.1 (12.4) 0.9999
Median (Q1–Q3) 56 (47-64) 55 (47-64)
20–49 236 (33.4) 236 (33.4) 1.0000
50+ 471 (66.6) 471 (66.6)
Diagnosis year 2009–2013 210 (29.7) 210 (29.7) 1.0000
2014–2018 497 (70.3) 497 (70.3)
Menopausal status Premenopausal 282 (39.9) 282 (39.9) 1.0000
Postmenopausal 425 (60.1) 425 (60.1)
CCI scores 0 478 (67.6) 476 (67.3) 0.6530
1 148 (20.9) 149 (21.1)
2+ 81 (11.5) 82 (11.6)
Differentiation I 68 (9.6) 68 (9.6) 1.0000
II 486 (68.7) 486 (68.7)
III 153 (21.6) 153 (21.6)
AJCC clinical stage I 206 (29.1) 206 (29.1) 1.0000
II 382 (54.0) 382 (54.0)
III 119 (16.8) 119 (16.8)
pT pT1 269 (38.0) 269 (38.0) 1.0000
pT2 345 (48.8) 345 (48.8)
pT3–4 93 (13.2) 93 (13.2)
pN pN0 369 (52.2) 369 (52.2) 1.0000
pN1 184 (26.0) 184 (26.0)
pN2–3 154 (21.8) 154 (21.8)
ASA physical status ASA I 400 (56.6) 384 (54.3) 0.5510
ASA II 167 (23.6) 172 (24.3)
ASA III–IV 140 (19.8) 151 (21.4)
Adjuvant chemotherapy No 254 (35.9) 243 (34.4) 0.7214
Yes 453 (64.1) 464 (65.6)
Adjuvant RT No 410 (58.0) 419 (59.3) 0.3952
Yes 297 (42.0) 288 (40.7)
HR status No 373 (52.8) 375 (53.0) 0.7520
Yes 334 (47.2) 332 (47.0)
HER2 status No 577 (81.6) 586 (82.9) 0.5149
Yes 130 (18.4) 121 (17.1)
Nodal surgery ALND 510 (72.1) 508 (71.9) 0.8629
SLNB 197 (27.9) 199 (28.1)
Hospital level Academic centers 553 (78.2) 553 (78.2) 1.0000
Nonacademic 154 (21.8) 154 (21.8)
Follow-up time, months Mean (SD) 55.9 (26.6) 43.3 (29.8) 0.7298
All-cause death 79 (11.2) 66 (9.3) 0.0901
Locoregional recurrence 44 (6.2) 27 (3.8) 0.0110
Distant metastasis 82 (11.6) 61 (8.6) 0.0521

IQR, interquartile range; PB-RA, paravertebral block-regional anesthesia; GA, general anesthesia; INHA, inhalational; SD, standard deviation; AJCC, American Joint Committee on Cancer; HER2, Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-2; RT, radiotherapy; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiology; CCI, Charlson comorbidity index; T, tumor; N, nodal; pT, pathological tumor stage; pN, pathological nodal stage; ALND, axillary lymph node dissection; SNLB, sentinel lymph node biopsy.