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. 2022 Mar 3;12:846760. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.846760

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics of melanoma and non-melanoma.

Non-melanoma (N = 4,760) Melanoma (N = 476) p value
n % n %
Age 1
 ≤54 710 14.9 71 14.9
 55–69 1,430 30.0 143 30.0
 ≥70 2,620 55.1 262 55.1
 Mean ± SD 69.91 ± 15.66 69.91 ± 15.67 1
Sex 1
 Female 2,060 43.3 206 43.3
 Male 2,700 56.7 270 56.7
Monthly income (NT$) 0.5469
 <20,000 1,527 32.1 144 30.3
 20,001–40,000 2,349 49.3 235 49.4
 >40,000 884 18.6 97 20.4
Residential region 0.0014
 Northern 1,989 41.8 242 50.8
 Central 1,116 23.4 87 18.3
 Southern 1,212 25.5 111 23.3
 Others 443 9.3 36 7.6
Stage of melanoma
 0 52 10.9
 I 292 61.3
 II 106 22.3
 III 8 1.7
 IV 18 3.8
Hypertension 1,997 42.0 242 50.8 0.0002
Hyperlipidemia 986 20.7 108 22.7 0.3123
Categories of Charlson comorbidity index score
 Myocardial infarction 44 0.9 5 1.1 0.7854
 Congestive heart failure 197 4.1 14 2.9 0.205
 Peripheral vascular disease 56 1.2 8 1.7 0.3398
 Cerebrovascular 444 9.3 56 11.8 0.0845
 Dementia 175 3.7 18 3.8 0.9077
 Chronic pulmonary disease 484 10.2 63 13.2 0.0370
 Connective tissue disease 26 0.5 4 0.8 0.4176
 Peptic ulcer disease 473 9.9 58 12.2 0.1214
 Mild liver disease 187 3.9 33 6.9 0.0018
 Diabetes without chronic complication 820 17.2 83 17.4 0.9079
 Diabetes with chronic complication 244 5.1 26 5.5 0.7519
 Hemiplegia or paraplegia 19 0.4 3 0.6 0.4454¶
 Renal disease 310 6.5 41 8.6 0.0806
 Any malignancy 50 1.1 21 4.4 <0.0001
Charlson comorbidity index score <0.0001
 0 2,663 55.95 212 44.5
 1 1,024 21.51 126 26.5
 2 478 10.04 54 11.3
 3 280 5.88 45 9.5
 ≥4 315 6.62 39 8.2

¶Fisher’s exact test.