Effects of R458Q knock-in in the CREBRF gene on body composition in mouse models. Body size and composition in 25-week-old FVB males (A–C) and 18-month-old FVB males (D–H). Body size and composition in 25-week-old C57 males (I–K) and 20-month-old C57 males (L–P). Comparison of gain in total mass (Q), lean mass (R) or fat mass (S) from 25 to 93 weeks of age in the same group of C57 male (WT n = 9, KI n = 12). Circulating myostatin (T) gastrocnemius myostatin mRNA relative gene expression (RGE) (U) in 20-month-old C57 male mice. Specific grip strength (V), and Rotarod, latency to fall (W) in 20-month-old C57 male mice. All error bars are SEM. All statistics are two-way unpaired t-test other than G, H, O and P; where linear modelling was performed to correct for total mass as a covariate, adjusted means with SEM are shown. ∗p < 0.05 and ∗∗p < 0.01 vs Wt of same age and background strain.