Table 1.
Normalisation process theory constructs and components | NHS staff/therapist interview topics (some may also arise in informal feedback during training observations) | Stroke participant interview topics (some may also arise in intervention/usual care observations) | Employer interview topics |
How do staff describe the intervention? How is the intervention similar to/different from usual care? Who would (most) benefit from the intervention? |
Experiences of RTW support received: similarities/differences between control and intervention participants | Experience of liaising with the therapist and/or participant on RTW issues |
Cognitive participation
Do staff see value/potential in the intervention? Have they found the training and experience a worthwhile investment of time? Do they feel they have the competence/resources to deliver the intervention effectively? |
What were their expectations? Did patients (and carers) value the intervention? How did they respond to the therapists’ suggestions? Did they feel they had the ability/resources/confidence to progress through the sessions and ultimately RTW? Context in which participant received RETAKE/acted on suggestions: social, financial, health state, access to opportunities |
Expectations of the processes: liaising with therapist/patient and patient’s RTW (Prior) experience in supporting RTW for people with disabilities |
Collective action
How compatible is the intervention with the existing stroke care pathway? What other RTW services/resources exist locally? How does this intervention compare/complement those services? Describe working relationships with those services. Support from managers and colleagues during the intervention period |
How did participants accommodate the intervention sessions/follow-up actions? How did they manage/are they managing their RTW (if applicable)? Financial implications |
Views on who is responsible /roles in supporting RTW Financial implications for example, modifications |
Reflexive monitoring
Perceived effects on patients (and carers) Views on time/resources invested in delivery vs impact What is needed to make it possible to roll out the intervention effectively? (Changes to intervention; changes in services/resources needed for delivery) |
Perceived effects of RETAKE/other RTW support Views on time/resources invested in participation vs impact What was good about RETAKE and what could be improved? (Content of intervention sessions/work plans, timing, relationship with therapist) |
Perceptions of benefit to employer/tutor/advisor Perceptions of benefit to employee What was helpful about discussions with therapist/participant? What further information/support would they have liked—at what time? |
NHS, National Health Service; NPT, normalisation process theory; RETAKE, RETurn to work After stroKE; RTW, return to work.