Table 4.
Feedback and changes pilot phases I and II: course content and structure
Feedback (pilot phase I and II) participant feedback | Changes implemented |
During pilot phase I, feedback favoured spreading the group sessions over 3 weeks (one group day per week). This was to help with consolidation of information and learning between sessions and also felt less burdensome. | In the I-WOTCH study, groups were delivered with this format (every Monday where possible for 3 weeks). |
It was suggested the balance session worked well after the session on posture, to allow more understanding and connection with body. | This was changed in the I-WOTCH programme: balance and stretch was introduced on day 2 of the programme and posture and movement on day 1 of the programme. |
Day 1 presented a lot of educational information on opioids and it was suggested to split this over 2 days to help support consolidation of understanding | The educational information was split over 2 days (day 1 and day 2 of the programme). |
It was also suggested to move the session on pacing to after the pain cycle has been discussed, to help with the understanding of why pacing is important and can help break the unhelpful cycle. | The pain cycle was introduced and on day 1 of the programme and pacing was moved to day two of the programme. |
During pilot phase I, patients welcomed an educational DVD to help with the learning. | As part of the I-WOTCH study, we produced an I-WOTCH education DVD which is used in the delivery of the programme, participants are able to then take this home and watch with their family and friends or keep as a resource for themselves. |
I-WOTCH, Improving the Wellbeing of people with Opioid Treated CHronic pain.