Table 1.
Study | Title | Study design | Country | Sample size (sheds) | Sample size (participants) |
Golding et al., 2007 a1 | Men’s Sheds in Australia: Learning through community contexts | Quantitative (cross-sectional) | Australia | 24 | 211 shed members |
Golding et al., 2007 a1 | Old dogs, new shed tricks: An exploration of innovative, workshop-based learning practice in Australia | Qualitative | Australia | 24 | 211 shed members |
Golding & Foley, 2008 | How men are worked with: Gender roles in men’s informal learning | Qualitative | Australia | Unknown | Unknown |
Martin et al., 2008 | Meaningful occupation at the Berry Men’s Shed | Qualitative | Australia | 1 | Unknown |
Ballinger et al., 2009 | More than a place to do woodwork: A case study of a community-based Men’s Shed | Qualitative | Australia | 1 | 8 shed members |
Fildes et al., 2010 | Shedding light on men: The Building Healthy Men Project | Qualitative | Australia | 1 | 9 shed members |
Ormsby et al., 2010 | Older men’s participation in community-based Men’s Sheds programs | Qualitative | Australia | 2 | 5 shed members |
Styles, 2010 | Report on the Henley Men’s Shed | Mixed-methods | New Zealand | 1 | Qualitative: unknown; quantitative: 38 shed members |
Cavanagh et al., 2013 | The Australian Men’s Sheds movement: Human resource management in a voluntary organization | Qualitative | Australia | 2 | 34 shed members |
Cordier & Wilson, 2013 a2 | Community-based Men’s Sheds: Promoting male health, well-being, and social inclusion in an international context | Quantitative (cross-sectional) | Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the United Kingdom | 383 | 383 shed coordinators |
Flood & Blair, 2013 | Men’s Sheds in Australia—effects on physical health and mental well-being | Mixed-methods | Australia | Unknown | Qualitative: unknown; quantitative: 1,436 shed members, 1,200 non-shed members |
Cavanagh et al., 2014 a3 | The role of collaborative learning on training and development practices within the Australian Men’s Shed movement: A study of five Men’s Sheds | Qualitative | Australia | 5 | 61 shed members, 5 shed coordinators |
Carragher & Golding, 2015 a4 | Older men as learners: Irish Men’s Sheds as an intervention | Mixed-methods | Ireland | Quantitative: 52 | Qualitative: 40 shed members; quantitative: 297 shed members |
Culph et al., 2015 | Men’s Sheds and the experience of depression in older Australian men | Qualitative | Australia | 3 | 12 shed members |
Hansji et al., 2015 | Men’s Sheds: Enabling environments for Australian men living with and without long-term disabilities | Qualitative | Australia | 1 | 11 shed members, 1 shed coordinator |
Ford et al., 2015 | Social shedding: Identification and health of Men’s Shed users | Quantitative (cross-sectional) | Australia | Unknown | 332 shed members |
Milligan et al., 2015 | Place and well-being: Shedding light on activity interventions for older men | Qualitative | England | 3 | 57 shed members, 5 shed coordinators |
Moylan et al., 2015 | The Men’s Shed: Providing biopsychosocial and spiritual support | Qualitative | Australia | 1 | 21 shed members and shed volunteers |
Reynolds et al., 2015 | The experiences of older male adults throughout their involvement in a community program for men | Qualitative | Canada | 1 | 12 shed members |
Southcombe et al., 2015 | Retired men and Men’s Sheds in Australia | Qualitative | Australia | 60 | 305 shed members, 60 shed coordinators |
Wilson et al., 2015 a2 | Men’s Sheds function and philosophy: Toward a framework for future research and men’s health promotion | Quantitative (cross-sectional) | Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, England | 383 | 383 shed coordinators |
Wilson et al., 2015 | A case study about the supported participation of older men with lifelong disability at Australian community-based Men’s Sheds | Mixed-methods | Australia | 9 | 9 shed members |
Cavanagh et al., 2016 | An investigation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men’s learning through Men’s Sheds in Australia | Qualitative | Australia | Unknown | 45 shed members, 15 shed coordinators |
Taylor et al., 2016 | Making community: The wider role of makerspaces in public life | Qualitative | The United Kingdom | Unknown | Unknown |
Wilson et al., 2016 a2 | Men with disabilities—a cross-sectional survey of health promotion, social inclusion, and participation at community Men’s Sheds | Quantitative (cross-sectional) | Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, England | 379 | 379 shed coordinators |
Ahl et al., 2017 | How the Men’s Shed idea travels to Scandinavia | Qualitative | Denmark | 2 | Unknown |
Ang et al., 2017 | Human resource management, social connectedness and health and well-being of older and retired men: The role of Men’s Sheds | Quantitative (cross-sectional) | Australia | 200 | 419 shed members, 162 shed leaders |
Carragher, 2017 a4 | Opportunities for generativity in later life for older men | Mixed-methods | Ireland | Unknown | Qualitative: 40 shed members; quantitative: 297 shed members |
Crabtree et al., 2017 | Men’s Sheds: The perceived health and well-being benefits | Qualitative | England | 2 | 8 shed members |
Henwood et al., 2017 a3 | Men’s health and communities of practice in Australia | Qualitative | Australia | 5 | 61 shed members |
Mackenzie et al., 2017 a5 | Counter and complicit masculine discourse among Men’s Shed members | Qualitative | Canada | 1 | 22 shed members |
McGeechan et al., 2017 | Exploring men’s perceptions of a community-based Men’s Shed program in England | Qualitative | England | 5 | 32 shed members |
Misan et al., 2017 | Informing health promotion in rural Men’s Sheds by examination of participant health status, concerns, interests, knowledge, and behaviors | Quantitative (cross-sectional) | Australia | 11 | 154 shed members |
Sutherland, 2017 | A place of belonging: Reflections on being a member of the Taieri Blokes Shed | Qualitative | New Zealand | 1 | 6 shed members |
Waling & Fildes, 2017 | Don’t fix what ain’t broke: Evaluating the effectiveness of a Men’s Shed in inner-regional Australia | Mixed-methods | Australia | 1 | Qualitative: 20 shed members; Quantitative: 22 shed members |
Anstiss et al., 2018 | Men’s replacement: Social practices in a Men’s Shed | Qualitative | New Zealand | 1 | 12 shed members |
Ayres et al., 2018 | Health and environmental impacts of a regional Australian Men’s Shed program | Qualitative | Australia | 1 | 13 shed members, 8 staff members |
Foster et al., 2018 | The personal and community impact of Scottish Men’s Shed | Mixed-methods | Scotland | 1 | 31 shed members |
Lefkowich & Richardson, 2018 | Men’s health in alternative spaces: Exploring Men’s Sheds in Ireland | Qualitative | Ireland | 5 | 27 shed members |
Nurmi et al., 2018 a5 | Older men’s perceptions of the need for and access to male-focused community programs such as Men’s Sheds | Qualitative | Canada | 1 | 22 shed members, 42 other men |
Taylor et al., 2018 | Home away from home: Health and well-being benefits of Men’s Sheds | Mixed-methods | Australia | 1 | 17 shed members |
Hedegaard & Ahl, 2019 | Learning to deal with freedom and restraints: Elderly women’s experiences of their husbands visiting a Men’s Shed | Qualitative | New Zealand, Denmark | 5 | 26 wives of shed members |
Wilson et al., 2019 | An examination of health promotion and social inclusion activities: A cross-sectional survey of Australian community Men’s Sheds | Quantitative (cross-sectional) | Australia | 300 | 300 shed coordinators |
Bergin & Richardson, 2021 | Sheds for Life: Getting the balance right in delivering health promotion through Sheds in Ireland | Qualitative | Ireland | 5 | 38 shed members, 11 members of the “sheds for life” steering group, 4 members of “sheds for life” partner organizations |
Cox et al., 2020 | Older Aboriginal men creating a therapeutic Men’s Shed: An exploratory study | Qualitative | Australia | 1 | 10 shed members |
Golding et al., 2020 | Community learning through adversity and disaster: An Australian case study of rural adaptation and resilience beyond paid work | Qualitative | Australia | 1 | 18 shed members and their spouses |
Kinsman et al., 2020 | Engaging “hard-to-reach” men in health promotion using the OPHELIA principles: Participants’ perspectives | Qualitative | Australia | 1 | 6 shed members |
McGrath et al., 2020 | The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being of Irish Men’s Shed members | Quantitative (longitudinal) | Ireland | 13 pre-Covid cohort, 9 Covid cohort | 383 shed members (198 pre-Covid cohort, 184 Covid cohort) |
Foley et al., 2021 | Respite, renewal, retirement, and tensions: Australian Men’s Sheds and the impact on significant others | Qualitative | Australia | 4 | 24 shed members, 14 wives of shed members, 2 carers of shed members |
Kelly & Steiner, 2021 a6 | The impact of community Men’s Sheds on the physical health of their users | Qualitative | Scotland | 5 | 62 shed members |
Kelly et al., 2021 a6 | Men’s Sheds as an alternative healthcare route? A qualitative study of the impact of Men’s Sheds on user’s health improvement behaviors | Qualitative | Scotland | 5 | 62 shed members |
Kelly et al., 2021 a6 | Men’s Sheds in Scotland: The potential for improving the health of men | Qualitative | Scotland | 5 | 62 shed members, 6 stakeholders |
Publications with the same numeral coefficient of superscript are based on the same data set.