Benefits of healthy eating |
Early adolescents’ beliefs and behaviours about how healthy eating is beneficial to them. |
Benefits of physical activity |
Early adolescents’ beliefs and behaviours about how physical activity is beneficial to them. |
Community healthy eating beliefs |
Early adolescents’ perception of their community’s beliefs about healthy eating. |
Community physical activity beliefs |
Early adolescents’ perception of their community’s beliefs about physical activity. |
Effect of sensory perception on healthy eating |
How the early adolescents described that taste, smell, and appearance of healthy foods influenced their healthy eating behaviours. |
Family healthy eating beliefs |
Early adolescents’ perception of their families’ beliefs about healthy eating. |
Healthy eating at the community organization |
The types and quantities of healthy foods that early adolescents reported and that the researcher observed them consuming at the community organization. |
Healthy eating barriers in the community |
A person, situation, or object that makes starting, continuing, or reinitiating healthy eating difficult or impossible for early adolescents in their community. |
Healthy eating behaviours in the community |
The daily routine and activities involved in early adolescents’ healthy eating in their community. |
Healthy eating facilitators at home |
A person, situation, or object that makes starting, continuing, or reinitiating healthy eating easier for early adolescents at home. |
Healthy eating in the community |
Early adolescents’ perception of healthy eating and features of the community related to healthy eating. |
Healthy eating information in the community |
Information about healthy eating in their community that early adolescents reported. |
Healthy eating preferences |
The types of healthy eating that early adolescents preferred. |
Healthy eating knowledge |
The knowledge that early adolescents had about healthy eating. |
Personal healthy eating beliefs |
Early adolescents’ individual beliefs about healthy eating. |
Personal meaning of healthy eating |
The meaning that healthy eating had to early adolescents with respect to important aspects of their lives, such as family and health. |
Personal meaning of physical activity |
The meaning that physical activity had to early adolescents in important aspects of their lives, such as family and health. |
Personal physical activity beliefs |
Early adolescents’ individual beliefs about physical activity. |
Physical activity at home |
Physical activities that early adolescents reported doing at home. |
Physical activity barriers in the community |
A person, situation, or object in or connected with the community that makes starting, continuing, or reinitiating physical activities difficult or impossible for early adolescents. |
Physical activity facilitators at home |
A person, situation, or object at home that makes starting, continuing, or reinitiating physical activities easier for early adolescents. |
Physical activity in the community |
Early adolescents’ perception of physical activity and features of the community related to physical activity. |
Physical activity information at home |
Information about physical activity at home that early adolescents reported. |
Physical activity knowledge |
The knowledge that early adolescents had about physical activity. |
Physical activity preferences |
The types of physical activity that early adolescents preferred. |