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. 2022 Mar 14;12(3):e8724. doi: 10.1002/ece3.8724


Results of multiple regression relating to Figure 4 in the main manuscript, showing the relationship between time spent per image (continuous response) and various covariates: analysis method (categorical predictor), number of corals per image (continuous predictor), their interaction, and other sources of potential error observer ID (categorical predictor), and Method First (categorical predictor). The reduced and then final models were formed after backward selection removal of non‐significant predictors starting from the full model

Model Predictor Estimate SE T value p Value
Full Intercept 2.29 0.39 5.86 <.001
Method‐SizeExtractR 0.23 0.02 13.15 <.001
No. corals −1.13 0.45 −2.51 <.05
Observer.ID‐ L.L. −0.24 0.19 −1.28 >.05
Method. First‐SizeExtractR 0.29 0.17 1.76 >.05
No. corals*Method‐SizeExtractR −0.09 0.02 −4.12 <.001
Reduced Intercept 2.88 0.31 9.17 <.001
Method‐SizeExtractR 0.20 0.01 14.53 <.001
No. corals −1.48 0.38 −3.93 <.001
Observer.ID‐Lachs −0.26 0.16 −1.65 >.05
No. corals*Method‐SizeExtractR −0.07 0.02 −3.64 <.001
Final Intercept 2.61 0.27 9.75 <.001
Method‐SizeExtractR 0.21 0.01 15.96 <.001
No. corals −1.48 0.38 −3.91 <.001
No. corals*Method‐SizeExtractR −0.07 0.02 −3.62 <.001

The p Values of significant predictors for on alpha level of .05 are shown in bold.