[33] |
CD47 downregulation may be involved in the alpha-tocopherol-mediated inhibition of age-associated streptococcus pneumoniae lung infection in mice |
[37] |
Blocking thrombospondin-1/CD47 signaling alleviates deleterious effects of aging on tissue responses to ischemia |
[38] |
CD47 null mice indicate that CD47 functions as a vasopressor |
[39] |
CD47-null mice are leaner—loss of signaling from the TSP1-CD47 system promotes the accumulation of normally functioning mitochondria in a tissue-specific and age-dependent fashion, leading to enhanced physical performance, lower reactive oxygen species production, and more efficient metabolism |
[40] |
High CD47 levels promote pulmonary arterial hypertension in the lungs from humans and mice |
[41] |
TSP1-CD47 signaling is upregulated in clinical pulmonary hypertension and contributes to pulmonary arterial vasculopathy and dysfunction |
[42] |
Increased THBS1/CD47 signaling contributes to reduced skin blood flow and wound healing in aged mice |
[43] |
CD47 blocks NO-mediated vasodilatation |
[44] |
THBS1/CD47 signaling drives endothelial cell senescence |
[45] |
TSP1 promotes ageing-associated human and mouse endothelial cell senescence through CD47 |
[46] |
Increased CD47 expression causes age-associated deterioration in angiogenesis, blood flow, and glucose homeostasis |
[47] |
Increased CD47 levels in the lung of a sickle cell disease patient with pulmonary arterial hypertension relative to control tissues |
[48] |
Pulmonary hypertension reduced in a CD47-null mouse model of sickle cell disease |
[49] |
Anti-CD47 antibodies reversed fibrosis in various organs in mouse models |