Diffuse slowing |
No specific pattern |
Typically normal |
Unknown |
Typically normal |
Clinical status
Sick, often frail |
Medically stable |
Medically stable |
Variable; often with autonomic activation |
Medically stable |
Rarely appropriately alert |
Alert |
Fluctuates; may be alert for extended periods |
Can alternate between hyperkinetic and stuporous |
Usually stuporous, occasionally hyperkinetic |
Inattentive |
Variable; often difficult to rule out inattention |
Often engaged |
Fluctuates; often inattentive |
Disengaged, negativistic; occasionally automatically obedient |
Verbal responses
Muddled thinking |
Speech disorganized |
Approximate answers common |
Initially hyperverbal, may devolve to mutism |
Mute, whispered, verbigeration, or echolalia |
Clouded |
Usually clear |
Verbal content suggests clouding |
Clouded in mid-to-late stages |
Often clear but difficult to assess |
Emotional state
Consistent with motor subtype |
Often paranoid |
Effortful engagement |
Manic, may devolve to blunted state |
Fearful, occasionally manic |
Reduced engagement |
Difficult to engage |
Bizarre; psychosocial stressor present |
May be initially intrusive, then disengaged |
Variable, related to underlying condition |