Table 2:
Colorectal cancer screening* | Weighted no. of respondents n = 1081168 |
Proportion of respondents, % (95% CI) n = 4600; weighted n = 1081168 |
FOBT (guaiac FOBT or FIT), n = 1048500 | ||
Had FOBT within previous 2 years | 472 500 | 45.1 (42.7–47.4) |
Had FOBT earlier than the previous 2 years | 205 900 | 19.6 (17.8–21.5) |
Colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy, n = 1052500 | ||
Had within previous 5 years | 359 000 | 34.1 (32.0–36.2) |
Had earlier than the previous 5 years | 124 000 | 11.8 (10.2–13.4) |
FOBT and/or colonoscopy, n = 1061000 | ||
Had FOBT within last 2 years and/or colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy within previous 5 years | 664 400 | 62.6 (60.3–64.9) |
Had both FOBT within last 2 years and colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy within previous 5 years | 167 100 | 15.8 (14.3–17.2) |
Had FOBT within last 2 years, of those who had colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy within previous 5 years, n = 354 700 | 167 100 | 47.1 (43.3–50.9) |
Colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy as follow-up of FOBT, among those who had colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy within previous 5 years, n = 225 600 | 66 400 | 26.0 (22.3–29.7) |
Note: CI = confidence interval, FIT = fecal immunochemical test, FOBT = fecal occult blood test.
Provided numerators and denominators are weighted numbers, which were used to calculate the proportion, and numbers were rounded to the nearest 100 value according to the reporting guidelines of Statistic Canada; denominator varies owing to various levels of missing data across variables. Missing data were deleted on a variable basis.