Figure 5. Distinct transcript patterns of Gln utilization characterize germ lineages in vivo.
(A) Ectoderm but not endoderm and mesoderm cells exhibit increased Gln synthesis (GLUL transcripts) relative to Gln consumption (GLS1 + GLS2 transcripts) in vitro. The average GLS1 and GLS2 expression was divided by GLUL expression for each lineage and values were normalized to hPSC control.
(B) Ectoderm cells exhibit increased Gln synthesis (GLUL transcripts) relative to Gln consumption (GLS + GLS2 transcripts) in vivo. Single cell RNA-sequencing data from Tyser et al., 2020 were used to calculate the same ratio as in (A). The values were normalized to the average Epiblast ratio. Lineages were taken from Tyser et al., 2020.
(C) Ectoderm cells exhibit similar trends in Gln synthesis and Gln consumption in both in vitro and in vivo contexts. Results from (A) and (B) are shown with a reference line drawn at y = x.
(D) Working model of germ lineage cell fate dependent on Gln.
Data represent mean ± SD. *p ≤ 0.05; **p ≤ 0.01; ***p ≤ 0.001. The p values were determined by (A-B) unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test.