Figure 4. Oligomers, and mutANP monomers, cause proarrhythmic electrophysiologic effects, while monomers do not.
A. Mouse atrial action potentials are shown for a control cell and following acute bath exposure to monomers or oligomers (oligo) of WT and mutANP. Dashed line represents resting membrane potential (RMP) for the control cell. B. Experimental data are displayed for RMP, action potential duration at 90% repolarization (APD90), and maximal dV/dT of Phase 0 (Vmax) for control (CTL) and post-peptide exposure (500nM; ANP monomers and oligomers n=9, 9; mutANP monomers and oligomers n=8, 9). *P<0.05 and †P<0.01 vs. control), Paired Samples Wilcoxon signed rank test or Mann-Whitney test. C. and D. Similar data are shown following exposure to BNP monomers or oligomers (500nM) using the same format as panels A and B (BNP monomers and oligomers n=12, 10). *P<0.05 and †P<0.01 vs. control, Paired Samples Wilcoxon signed rank test.