Fig. 2. The decoy module fold protects the high-mannose glycan of UMOD and orients it for interaction with bacterial FimHL.
a, Complete atomic model of polymeric UMOD, with N-glycans shown as sticks. Elements are colored as in Extended Fig. 1a, with the D10C epitope for BJP in green; additional subunits are gray. b, UMOD cryo-EM map region encompassing the protein’s decoy module. The Asn side chains carrying the two D10C N-glycans and the BJP epitope are indicated. c, Consistent with its location within the structure, the N275 high-mannose glycan can be efficiently cleaved by Endo H only in denaturing conditions. Colored circles indicate the presence of the specified glycans, open circles with a cross indicate their absence. n = 3. d, Recognition of the D10C N275 glycan by the lectin domain of fimbrial adhesin FimH from UPEC UTI89. The cryo-EM map of the UMOD branch + EGF IV is colored gray, the difference map between the densities of the UMOD–FimHL complex and free UMOD is cyan. PNGase F, Peptide:N-glycosidase F.