Epidemiology/pathophysiology |
CQ1. What is the pathophysiology of primary sclerosing cholangitis? (Tazuma) |
CQ2. What is the epidemiology of primary sclerosing cholangitis? (Tanaka) |
CQ3. What are the features of primary sclerosing cholangitis in Japan? (Tanaka) |
CQ4. What are the risk factors of primary sclerosing cholangitis? (Tazuma) |
Diagnostics |
CQ5. What are the symptoms that suggest primary sclerosing cholangitis? (Isayama) |
CQ6. What are the characteristic blood test findings for primary sclerosing cholangitis? (Nakazawa) |
CQ7. What are the diagnostically useful imaging findings for primary sclerosing cholangitis? (Nakazawa) |
CQ8. On what type of cases is endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) performed? (Nakazawa) |
CQ9. Is liver biopsy useful for the diagnosis of primary sclerosing cholangitis? (Notohara) |
CQ10. How is this disease differentiated from cholangiocarcinoma and how are complications diagnosed? (Tsuyuguchi) |
Therapy |
CQ11. What pharmacotherapies are effective? (Isayama) |
CQ12. How is itching treated? (Isayama) |
CQ13. What are the indications for and methods of utilizing biliary drainage? (Tsuyuguchi) |
CQ14. What is the optimal timing and indications for liver transplantation (Kokudo) |
Prognosis |
CQ15. What is the prognosis for primary sclerosing cholangitis? (Tanaka) |
CQ16. What are the complications associated with primary sclerosing cholangitis? (Tsuyuguchi) |