Fig. 2. Environmental predictors of major archaeal, bacterial and fungal phyla (class for Proteobacteria) across the global wetland soils.
The relative abundance data are based on the relative abundance of SSU rRNA genes (normalized by total SSU rRNA abundances per sample) as revealed by shotgun metagenomics (n = 74 independent sites). Boxes represent 25th–75th percentile of the data distribution with whiskers at 1.5 × the interquartile range and the middle line representing median. The size of circles corresponds to the partial importance based on Random Forest models (variability% of mean decrease in accuracy estimated based on out-of-bag-CV); blue and red depict negative and positive Spearman correlations, respectively (n = 74 independent sites). Archaeal and fungal phyla names are indicated in blue and red colour, respectively. The abbreviations are organic matter (OrM), pH (soil pH), C/N (carbon to nitrogen ratio), Ca (calcium), K(potassium), P (phosphorous), Mg (magnesium), and Von Post grade of decomposition (VPG).