Multiple SFPs are associated with sperm in the FRT. (A) Tissue-biased expression versus sex-biased expression for all 1,969 proteins identified in sperm dissected from the bursa at 30 min after mating. Canonical sperm proteins (n = 1,152) are plotted in dark blue, SFPs (n = 122) in light blue (including previously uncharacerized SFPs as squares), testis/RG-proteins (n = 60) in pink, and unannotated proteins (n = 635) in gray. Tissue- and sex-biased expression are based on data from FlyAtlas2 (40). (B) Violin plot comparing the distributions among sperm and testis/RG-proteins in their abundance in the canonical sperm proteome. Letters denote distributions that are significantly different from each other (Kruskal–Wallis and post hoc Dunn’s tests, P < 0.05). (C) Correlations between testis expression (data from 40) and abundance in the canonical sperm proteome (this study) are not significantly different between testis/RG-proteins (pink; Pearson’s r = 0.37) and canonical sperm proteins (gray; Pearson’s r = 0.51; F = 1.91, P = 0.15).