Fig. 3, Movies 1,2. FP-HSP47 is not found in FP-procollagen-positive transport vesicles entering cis-Golgi.
(A, Movie 1) Individual frames and time-lapse video of a cell transfected with Cherry-HSP47, Venus-proα1(I) and CFP-GM130 before and after Cherry-HSP47 and Venus-proα1(I) were photobleached from Golgi region. (B, Movie 2) Frames and time-lapse video of a cell transfected with TagBFP2-HSP47, GFP-proα2(I) and Cherry-GM130 before and after TagBFP2-HSP47 and GFP-proα2(I) were photobleached from Golgi region. Arrows in post-FRAP frames (A, B) mark Golgi-destined procollagen transport vesicles identified by time-lapse imagining (white circles in Movies 1,2). Arrowheads in pre-FRAP whole-cell images point to some of the vesicle-like procollagen/HSP47 structures (magenta circles) that exhibit limited stochastic motion. The images are confocal single slices; scale bars = 10 μm (whole cell) and = 1 μm (zoom); N≥15 (3 experiments with different FP combinations) for each panel. (Movie 2) White circle outlines the ER-to-Golgi movement of 3 procollagen transport vesicles, none of which contain HSP47.