Fig. 3. Reconstructed LUAD TME interactome reveals tumor-stroma–specific communities.
(A) Force-directed layout of the REMI-LUAD interactome network. Shape of the nodes represent gene function. Color of the node represents cell type as denoted by the legend. (B) Alluvial plot showing the ratio of paracrine and autocrine signaling interactions occurring between cell types. Thickness of lines represent the number of LR pairs. Full table is available in the Supplementary Materials. (C) Distribution of number of communities with certain cell type compositions. (D) Top 10 most significant enrichments for genes within the tumor-immune-stroma–specific communities and tumor-stroma–specific communities. GeneRatio is the ratio of the number of community-specific genes that overlapped with the gene set to the number of community-specific genes that overlapped with all the gene sets in the collection. Count represents the number of genes.