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. 2022 Jan 25;43(6):1787–1803. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25712


Summary of the two‐factor confirmatory factor analysis in the discovery and replication samples

Sample Model Number of factors Included RSNs Chi‐square statistic Degrees of freedom AIC CFI SRMR
Discovery sample EFA‐based model 2 18 897 133 973 0.81 0.12
Model for multivariate GWAS 2 17 575 118 645 0.84 0.12
Replication sample Model for multivariate GWAS of the discovery sample 2 17 295 118 365 0.76 0.19

Note: For each sample listed in the first column, the second column distinguishes the stages composing the CFA approach. For the discovery sample, CFA consisted of two stages: the first stage, that is, EFA‐based model, tested the model design for the two‐factor model indicated by our EFA approach; the second stage, that is, modeling for multivariate GWAS, only kept RSNs that showed Bonferroni‐corrected factor loadings. The CFA conducted for the replication sample consisted of a single stage, which used the model employed in the multivariate GWAS of the discovery sample. In each stage, a model with a given number of factors was tested (third column), with a given number of RSNs (fourth column). For each model, we display the chi‐square statistic, degrees of freedom, AIC, CFI, and SRMR, from the fifth to the ninth columns.

Abbreviations: AIC, Akaike information criterion; CFA, confirmatory factor analysis; CFI, comparative fit index; EFA, exploratory factor analysis; GWAS, genome‐wide association study; RSN, resting state network; SRMR, standardized root mean square residual.