Fig. 3. Active control of suspended graphene plasmons by changing the suspension height.
a Calculated imaginary part of the loss function Im{rp(q, ω)} in the RPA for different suspension heights d, with fixed EF = 0.65 eV and λ0 = 10.87 μm (920 cm−1). The black-dashed curves indicate the evolution of the energy splitting stemming from the coupling between GPs and phonon polaritons in SiO2. b Experimentally measured (symbols) and theoretically calculated (solid curve) plasmon wave vector as a function of the suspension height d at λ0 = 10.87 μm (920 cm−1). Inset: illustration of a cross-sectional side view of the suspended graphene device. d1 and d2eff represent the depth of the dimple and the effective height of the graphene bubble, respectively. The former (d1) is predetermined by the fabrication process, while d2eff can be varied in situ by controlling the gas pressure from beneath the substrate film. c Extracted phase (orange curves) and group velocity (maroon curves) as a function of d. Solid curves are theoretical predictions, while symbols are values determined from the experiments. d Quality factor Q (left axis) and intrinsic propagation length LSPP (right axis) of GPs as a function of d. Symbols are obtained from experimental data, while the curves are a guide to the eye. Error bars correspond to different line profiles in one scan image.