Fig. 3. Processes before deacylation with the minimal active site assembly.
a–c Initial structure of CI with a the LG in the catalytic site, b the water molecule (HW) near the catalytic site, and c HW now moved into the catalytic site (hydrogen bond formed with Nε of His408 is shown in green dotted line). d–f Corresponding PMFs calculated along reaction coordinates d3, d4, and θ, respectively. d3 denotes the distance between the C of CI and C in LG. d4 denotes the distance between the HW O atom and the yellow sphere, i.e., the center of mass (COM) of C in CI and Nε in His408. θ denotes the bond angle in HW. There are a total 45 atoms in the QM area for the angle-change calculation, and the charge is −1. Data are presented as mean values ± the standard error inferred from three independent runs. Source data for d–f are provided as a Source Data file.