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. 2022 Mar 12;42:108048. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108048
Subject Developmental and Educational Neuroscience
Specific subject area fNIRS neuroimaging of morphological and phonological awareness in English monolingual, Chinese-English, and Spanish-English bilingual children
Type of data Tables, fNIRS hemodynamic data
How data were acquired Data were acquired with a CW6 fNIRS system (Techen Inc.,Milford, MA, with 690 and 830 nm wavelengths, 12 signals, 24 detectors, 46 channels.
E-Prime 2.0 software (Psychology Software Tools, Pittsburgh, PA, was used to display stimuli and collect data.
Data format Raw fNIRS data with block stimuli marks are stored in .nirs files;
Proficiency/demographic raw data are stored in excel sheets.
Parameters for data collection All participants are children growing up in the US and attending English-only schools. The monolingual participants are all native speakers of English and only speak English. The bilingual participants have Spanish or Chinese exposure from home since birth.
Description of data collection Participants (N = 343) completed a behavioral session and a neuroimaging session.
The behavioral session assessed participants’ language and reading proficiency in each of their languages.
The neuroimaging session asked participants to complete morphological and phonological awareness tasks in each of their languages during fNIRS scanning.
Data source location University of Michigan, Department of Psychology, Ann Arbor, MI.
Data accessibility Repository: Deep Blue Data
Persistent Identifier:
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