Table 2.
Examples of comments, arranged by theme
Psychology (N = 19) |
“It would be great to have psychology involved to potentially provide CBT and longitudinal care” – CC |
“Assist in grief management”—PT |
“Only concern is that psychiatry may lead to over medication of patients. Would appreciate greater level of nonpharmacologic interventions” –BN |
Resource Limitations (N = 6) |
“Not enough psych resources”—CC |
[On barriers] “Resource allocation of such highly trained subspecialists in the critical care environment” – CC |
“Availability”—PP |
Education (N = 8) |
“Assisting with bedside staff education on managing patients in psychological distress”— BN |
“If Psychiatry can help educate the ICU staff, then ICU can better communicate with family” –PP |
“Provide education to staff to improve our communications…”—OT |
Burnout (N = 7) |
“Decrease the burden on nurses dealing with depressed patients, especially the transplant or ECMO (pre-transplant) population that spends so much time in our ICU”—BN |
“Addressing nursing moral distress in our ICU, it does not seem to be a singular issue but an issue with many nurses no one is talking or doing anything about” –BN |
“Please bring a stronger psych presence to the ICU. At least for nurse burnout if for no other reason”—BN |
Conflict and Expertise (N = 14) |
“One more 'cook in the kitchen' will lead to more different 'voices' the family hears”—CC |
“Conflicting opinions/goals, potential for delivery of mixed messages, potential splitting of provider teams depending on circumstances” —PP |
“Psychiatrist are not trained nor comfortable in ICU” –CC |
“Psychiatry does not understand ICU issues”—CC |
Role Confusion (N = 9) |
“Role confusion with nursing”—BN |
“I would see their role as an adjunct not as a replacement to the critical care team’s presence in co-managing agitation/delirium etc..” CC |
“These are all activities which OT has completed in the past and is within our scope of practice”—OT |
“While I’m sure they could do many or all of these things, there are other members of the medical team and family support who could perform such tasks as well”—Pharmacist |
Other (N = 11) |
“We have multi-disciplinary rounds every Monday—Friday at 815. Maybe you could attend them on certain days to potentially get an idea if there are at risk patients on the unit”—BN |
“The MICU team should be more mindful of what they say in the presence of the patient as the pt can hear”—BN |
“I do think psych should be more involved in the ICU, but I do think that there are some cases where people will lose sight of the importance of prioritization”—BN |
CC Critical care physician or advance practice provider, OT Occupational therapist, PT Physical therapist, BN Bedside nurse, PP Psychiatry physician or advance practice provider