Table 2.
Search strategy from ProQuest 10 June 2019, 10:11
Set# | Searched for | Databases | Results |
S1 | (((MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Hoarding disorder”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Emotional disorders”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Obsessive compulsive disorder”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Psychosis”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Mental depression”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Bulimia”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Eating disorders”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Family medical history”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Behavior disorders”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Bipolar disorder”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Personality disorders”)) OR (MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Obsessive compulsive disorder”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Psychosis”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Mental depression”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Bulimia”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Eating disorders”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Family medical history”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Behavior disorders”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Bipolar disorder”) OR MAINSUBJECT.EXACT(“Personality disorders”))) AND la.exact(“English”)) AND PEER(yes) | International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) | 7052 |
S2 | ((ti(mental health OR mental disorder* OR mental retardation OR psychiatric disorder* OR psycholog* disorder OR psycholog* disability*) OR ab(mental health OR mental disorder* OR mental retardation OR psychiatric disorder* OR psycholog* disorder OR psycholog* disability*)) AND la.exact(“English”)) AND PEER(yes) | International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) | 20,350 |
S3 | ((ti(development* disorder* OR development* disability* OR, neurodevelop* disorder* OR learning disability OR learning disorder) OR ab(development* disorder* OR development* disability* OR, neurodevelop* disorder* OR learning disability OR learning disorder)) AND la.exact(“English”)) AND PEER(yes) | International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) | 3936 |
S4 | ((ti(foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder* OR FASD OR Reactive Attachment Disorder OR RAD OR Attention Deficit Hyper* Disorder OR ADHD OR paediatric bipolar OR bipolar disorder OR schizophrenia OR Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OR OCD OR Eating Disorders OR Bulimia OR bulimia OR bulimic OR anorexia OR anorexic OR Autis* OR Autism Spectrum Disorder OR ASD OR Pervasive Development Disorder OR Asperger* OR Specific Language Disability OR SLD OR Speech and Language Impairment OR Mathematics Disorder OR mathematic disability OR Dyscalculia OR Intellectual Disability OR Reading disorder OR written Disorder OR Dyslexia OR Social Communication Disorder OR social pragmatic language OR Tic Disorder OR Stereotypic Movement Disorder OR Developmental coordination disorder OR Dyspraxia OR Social Anxiety OR social anxiety phobia) OR ab(foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder* OR FASD OR Reactive Attachment Disorder OR RAD OR Attention Deficit Hyper* Disorder OR ADHD OR paediatric bipolar OR bipolar disorder OR schizophrenia OR Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OR OCD OR Eating Disorders OR Bulimia OR bulimia OR bulimic OR anorexia OR anorexic OR Autis* OR Autism Spectrum Disorder OR ASD OR Pervasive Development Disorder OR Asperger* OR Specific Language Disability OR SLD OR Speech and Language Impairment OR Mathematics Disorder OR mathematic disability OR Dyscalculia OR Intellectual Disability OR Reading disorder OR written Disorder OR Dyslexia OR Social Communication Disorder OR social pragmatic language OR Tic Disorder OR Stereotypic Movement Disorder OR Developmental coordination disorder OR Dyspraxia OR Social Anxiety OR social anxiety phobia)) AND la.exact(“English”)) AND PEER(yes) | International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) | 10,122 |
S5 | S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 |
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) These databases are searched for part of your query. |
34,993 |
S6 | ((ti(Looked after child* OR LAC OR foster child* OR foster care OR out of home care OR out-of-home care OR residential care OR kinship care OR adopt* OR child* in secure unit OR child* in welfare OR child* in protection) OR ab(Looked after child* OR LAC OR foster child* OR foster care OR out of home care OR out-of-home care OR residential care OR kinship care OR adopt* OR child* in secure unit OR child* in welfare OR child* in protection)) AND la.exact(“English”)) AND PEER(yes) | International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) | 88,130 |
S7 | S5 AND S6 |
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) These databases are searched for part of your query. |
1649 |
S8 | ((ti(prevalence OR incidence OR occurrence* OR rate* OR frequency) OR ab(prevalence OR incidence OR occurrence* OR rate* OR frequency)) AND la.exact(“English”)) AND PEER(yes) | International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) | 187,899 |
S9 | S7 AND S8 |
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) These databases are searched for part of your query. |
278 |