Figure 2.
Acute exercise does not increase hepatic autophagic flux. Protein content for autophagy proteins microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3B (LC3-II) (A) and p62 (B) were assessed in liver whole homogenate at 0- and 2-h post-sedentary (SED) or treadmill running (EX) from wild-type (WT) female mice receiving either saline or leupeptin. All proteins quantified were normalized to total protein staining using amido black. Data are presented as means ± SE (n = 8–11/group). T, P < 0.05 main effect for time (2 h vs. 0 h); t, P < 0.05 within condition time effect (vs. 0 h); SAL, saline condition; LEU, leupeptin condition. Representative blots showing no significant changes in either phospho- or total ACC, AMPKα, and mTOR (C, D, and E).