Table B.
Summary of Bangladeshi sleep-related comments
Location | Exemplary Quote(s) | Notes/Sub-Categories |
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Daily sleep-related routines (7 quotes) | ||
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Faith Center (Mosque) | A1: After I wake up I’ll usually go outside, do some grocery shopping and go to the mosque or come home and pray. I’m not as active as I was before. It takes a lot of energy for me to walk five blocks so it’s not like it was before. I also don’t know what I would do if suddenly something happened so I like to stay safe. | Physical tiredness |
Faith Center (Mosque) | A7: Well, I wake up and I pray. After that I go back to sleep for about an hour. | Waking to pray – falling back to sleep after prayer |
Faith Center (Mosque) | A1: I wake up around prayer time so I’ll pray and I’ll check my diabetes. I’ll make sure that it’s stable. Then I’ll make tea and eat my breakfast and I’ll go back to sleep and wake up around 9AM or 10AM. | Waking to pray – falling back to sleep after prayer |
Community Center | F3: Most of the time, I wake up before the sunrise prayer and I’ll pray. What I’m really happy about is that I’m able to fall asleep if I wake up and pray. Most people can’t fall back asleep once they’ve woken up, and have been up for a couple of hours but I find that I have no problem going back to sleep once I’ve been up for several hours. I try to go back to sleep after I pray. | Waking to pray – falling back to sleep after prayer |
Community Center | F4: I wake up and I pray. I try not to do too much work since I am sick. I wake up and I’ll make breakfast and tea for everyone, just basic women’s work. Sometimes I have chores to do around the house so I’ll do those, if not then I’ll watch some TV. | Waking to pray and starting their day |
Community Center | M1: I wake up and I pray, sometimes I go to the senior center and the days that I don’t go to the center I stay at home. Sometimes I have chores to do so I’ll do those and go grocery shopping as well. Most of my exercise comes from walking in the morning or doing grocery shopping. | Waking to pray and starting their day |
Community Center | M2: I usually wake up around sunrise and pray. I’ll do a little bit of chores here and there after which I have my breakfast. I usually spend the morning cooking or doing small errands. Sometimes I’ll go grocery shopping and bring back food before noon. | Waking to pray and starting their day |
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Sleep difficulties (6 quotes) | ||
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Community Center | M1: My main problem is back pain. I have chronic back pain and it really affects my lifestyle. It becomes very difficult to walk and I have to rest in between very frequently. I have had open heart surgery, so there is some protocols and rules that I have to follow very strictly. I make sure that I take my medications on time, and do the necessary amount of physical activity. I can’t say that I do it every day vigorously but I try my best. I’ve noticed that when I’m in a good state of mind and I’m happy that my physical self feels better. Whenever I get frustrated, or in a bad mood I noticed a negative change in my physical energy. Therefore, I think it’s very important that my mental state is as good as my physical state. I also worry about my two sons. I try to be as accessible to them as I can and help them out as much as I can. I worked a lot on diabetes, high blood pressure and I’ve tried to live by the advice that I’ve given other people. | Reasons for sleep difficulties - Chronic conditions - Significant pain |
Faith Center (Mosque) | A5: I feel like with aging comes different illnesses such as cholesterol, and there’s been a lot of weight gain which causes a lot of physical tiredness. | Reasons for sleep difficulties –Chronic conditions - Physical discomfort or other health issues affecting sleep |
Faith Center (Mosque) | A1: I don’t have diabetes but I do have heart disease, cholesterol and just general body aching. | Reasons for sleep difficulties –Chronic conditions - Other health issues affecting sleep |
Faith Center (Mosque) | A4: Yeah I’ve got a lot older and now I have diabetes and sometimes I have to go to the hospital, if I don’t watch what I eat. I can’t eat the way I used to eat and I can’t eat what I used to eat. Sometimes I’ll sleep at night and sometimes I don’t get any sleep. | Reasons for sleep difficulties –Chronic conditions - Feeling of being out of control |
Community Center | F3: For me the only issue I have is I’m sleepy during a certain window of time and if I missed that time that it’s difficult for me to fall back asleep. | Difficulty falling asleep |
Community Center | F2: I also have trouble sleeping. I often don’t sleep through the night and most of the time I wake up several times throughout the night so I try to keep myself busy by doing little chores. | Nighttime awakenings |
Community Center | F3: I would like to add something about sleeping. I sleep very well, and I’ve never really taken a sedative or sleeping pill in my life. | Good sleep quality |
Faith Center (Mosque) | A3: I feel like I sleep too much. I can fall asleep anywhere. I only feel sleepy. At night are usually don’t have trouble sleeping but sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night. | Excessive daytime sleepiness |
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Socializing (5 quotes) | ||
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Community Center | F4: I look forward to coming to the senior center and the days that I don’t, I make sure I go around the neighborhood and take walks. If the weather is good then I’ll go to the market and do some shopping. | Senior center - social support from the community |
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Community Center | M1: If I keep myself busy and occupy myself I can sleep well at night. | Staying busy and sleep |
Community Center | F2: During the day I’ll also try to run some errands, come to the senior center, or walk around the neighborhood. | Walking in the neighborhood |
Community Center | M2: A lot of the times I will go out in the neighborhood, and since a lot of people know me, I’ll be able to speak with people from the community and the neighborhood. | Walking in the neighborhood -communication within the community |
Community Center | F3: I think coming to centers like the senior center is very useful in a very positive experience for many older people to have since they are often alone. There’s a lot of activities, social activities and physical activities that help the elderly. It’s good to keep yourself busy since I’ve noticed that with a lot of free time that’s when people start thinking negative thoughts. | Senior center -social support from the community |
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Remedies for sleep (2 quotes) | ||
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Community Center | F4: I have trouble sleeping, I don’t sleep through the night at all. I try not to sleep in the afternoon because then it becomes very difficult to sleep at night. | Behavioral strategy |
Faith Center (Mosque) | A6: I also think it’s more of a mental thing. You’re aware of the consequences that comes with not eating healthy and not exercising. For example, I know that if I eat a little bit too much it will be more difficult for me to sleep therefore I need to practice self-control. My health is my motivator. | Behavioral strategy |