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. 2022 Mar 21;12(1):16. doi: 10.1186/s13705-022-00342-8

Table 1.

Correlations of decarbonisation indicators—Pearson’s correlation coefficient

CO2 per capita CO2 emission Year-to-year CO2 Cumulative CO2 Consumption CO2 Share of CO2 Cement CO2 Coal CO2 Flaring CO2 Gas CO2 Oil CO2 Other CO2
CO2 per capita 1 0.530** − 0.129* 0.491** 0.265** 0.528** 0.521** 0.546** 0.401** 0.505** 0.521** 0.428**
CO2 emission 0.530** 1 − 0.211** 0.958** 0.993** 0.981** 0.979** 0.987** 0.926** 0.989** 0.975** 0.972**
Year-to-year CO2 − 0.129* − 0.211** 1 − 0.137* − 0.521** − 0.280** − 0.176** − 0.223** − 0.046 − 0.185** − 0.238** − 0.259**
Cumulative CO2 0.491** 0.958** − 0.137* 1 0.917** 0.896** 0.942** 0.940** 0.953** 0.979** 0.881** 0.871**
Consumption CO2 0.265** 0.993** − 0.521** 0.917** 1 0.966** 0.954** 0.987** 0.712** 0.978** 0.893** 0.984**
Share of CO2 0.528** 0.981** − 0.280** 0.896** 0.966** 1 0.942** 0.981** 0.843** 0.952** 0.980** 0.978**
Cement CO2 0.521** 0.979** − 0.176** 0.942** 0.954** 0.942** 1 0.959** 0.948** 0.969** 0.956** 0.959**
Coal CO2 0.546** 0.987** − 0.223** 0.940** 0.987** 0.981** 0.959** 1 0.877** 0.963** 0.959** 0.967**
Flaring CO2 0.401** 0.926** − 0.046 0.953** 0.712** 0.843** 0.948** 0.877** 1 0.956** 0.861** 0.856**
Gas CO2 0.505** 0.989** − 0.185** 0.979** 0.978** 0.952** 0.969** 0.963** 0.956** 1 0.938** 0.929**
Oil CO2 0.521** 0.975** − 0.238** 0.881** 0.893** 0.980** 0.956** 0.959** 0.861** 0.938** 1 0.991**
Other CO2 0.428** 0.972** − 0.259** 0.871** 0.984** 0.978** 0.959** 0.967** 0.856** 0.929** 0.991** 1

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)