Experimental design. A, Task: faces were presented at 500 ms from fixation cross onset; and in 50% of trials, tactile stimulation was delivered on the left finger after 605 ms (105 ms after face onset, following Sel et al., 2014). In 10% of trials, a question appeared after 1100 ms (Emotion Task: “Is s/he fearful?” Or “Is s/he happy?” Gender Task: “Is s/he male?” Or “Is s/he female?” B, Subtraction of VOC, with no tactile stimulation, from VTC, when tactile stimulation was delivered. This method allowed us to isolate pure somatosensory evoked activity from visual carryover effects (SEP (VEP-free)). VOC: Visual-Only Condition; VTC: Visual-Tactile Condition; SEP: Somatosensory Evoked Potentials; VEP: Visual Evoked Potentials. Created with www.BioRender.com.