Associations of sectorial cpRNFLT with cognitive tests.
Figure 3 shows statistically significant associations of RNFLT in six segments and overall average with performance of neuropsychological tests for sample A (without exclusion of central confounders) and sample B (with exclusion of several conditions affecting the central nervous system). All results are pictured as right eyes except for the separate analysis of left eyes. Thicker or, conversely, thinner RNFL in association with better cognitive test results is marked in blue respectively yellow for correlation analysis and in green respectively red for regression analysis with adjustment for age, sex, scan radius and education. The first column depicts the correlation without any adjustment. The second column presents our data with adjustment for age, sex, scan radius, and education. The next two columns present the data separated for female and male subjects and finally we show an analysis for right and left eyes of our sample. No statistically significant correlation of cognition and RNFLT was found for Boston Naming Test, and Figure Copy which is not depicted. All numerical details can be found in Supplementary material 3 ‘Results’. One example on how to read the figure: Good performance in the CERAD test semantic fluency correlated statistically significant with thicker RNFLT in the segments G, T, TS, TI in sample A and B. After multivariable regression analysis with adjustment for age, sex, scan radius, and education, thicker global RNFLT remained statistically significant in both samples. Separate analysis for females and males with adjustment for age, scan radius, and education had statistically significant regression only in females in the segments G, T, TS in sample A and in the segments G, T, TS, TI in sample B. Separate analysis for right and left eyes with adjustment for age, sex, scan radius and education revealed no statistically significant regression in both samples. Adjustment for agea, sexb, scan radiusc, educationd. Corr. coeff. = correlation coefficient; G = global, overall average; inc. = incongruent; MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination; MWT-B = Multiple choice German vocabulary test; N = nasal; neut. = neutral; NI = nasal-inferior; NS = nasal-superior; RMET = Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test; slope = regression coefficient; T = temporal; TI = temporal-inferior; TMT = Trail Making Test; TS = temporal-superior.