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. 2022 Mar 7;15:739535. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.739535


Neuroimaging event category.

Category Definition Description
Activate [{Activate… },<{cognitive function}, cause >,<{brain area}, affect > +] An “Activate” event is used to describe the appearance of active states in some specific brain areas, which is produced by the execution of a cognitive function.
Deactivate [{deactivate… }, < {Cognitive Function}, cause >,<{Brain Area}, affect > +] A “Deactivate” event is used to describe the appearance of inactive states in some specific brain areas, which is produced by the execution of a cognitive function.
Effect [{effect | influence… }, < {Cognitive Function}, cause >, < {Brain Area}, affect > +] An “Effect” event is used to describe the change of states in some specific brain areas, which is produced by the execution of a cognitive function, but whether it is activated or inactivated is unknown.
Perform experiment [{perform | complete… }, < {Study Participant (Study Participant_A)*}, participates in > *, < {Task}, uses > +, < {Stimuli Response Mode (Stimuli Response Mode_A)*}*, by >] A “Perform Experiment” event is used to describe a neuroimaging research action by a group of study participants, i.e., subjects do one or several experimental tasks by some kind of stimuli response mode. Study participants often have some attributes, such as age, gender, and medical history. The stimuli response mode is also involved with some features, such as the perception channel, the stimuli task category.
Acquisition [{assess | acquire | obtain…}, < {Acquisition Object}, produces > *, < {Data Acquisition Device (Data Acquisition Device_A)*}, uses > +, < {Study Participant (Study Participant_A)*}, from > *] The “Acquisition” event is used to describe a research action that a data acquisition device with relevant parameters produces physiological and psychological data from study participants.
Perform analysis [{perform | complete… }, < {Analytical Results}, produces > +, < {Acquisition Object}, on > *, < {Analytical Tools or Methods}, uses > +] The “Perform Analysis” event is used to describe a research action that the analytical tool or method is used on physiological and psychological data to produce a group of analytical results, i.e., brain responses, such as Default Mode Network (dmn).

“*” indicates that the element may occur zero or more times and “+” indicates that the element may occur one or more times.