A,B) mib1 morpholino (MO mib1) injection reduces Ryk endocytosis. (
C,D) A more pronounced inhibition of Ryk endocytosis is observed upon coinjection of MO mib1 and RNA encoding dominant-negative Mib1 (mib1DRF123). (
E,F) Ryk endocytosis is reduced in
mib1tfi91 mutant embryos. All pictures depict dorsal views of 90% epiboly stage embryos, anterior up. A’-F’, The Histone2B-mRFP signal was used to ascertain that control and mib1-depleted embryos had received a comparable amount of injected material. Embryos depicted in A-F were injected with 12 pg Ryk-GFP RNA. (
C-F) correspond to the display items also shown in
Figure 3F–I. Scalebars: 10 µm.