Summary of the structures and properties of thiamine and MDP fragments and the linked compound, TPPc, and comparison with representative RNA structures that interact with their ligands using well-defined sub-sites. (A) TPPc features. Ligand efficiency (LE) is equal to the binding energy per non-hydrogen ligand atom, LE = ΔG / N; ligand cooperativity, ω, is defined in Table 1; linking coefficient (E) was calculated as E = KL / (KT
KP). (B) TPP riboswitch binding pocket. (C) Representative examples of riboswitch ligands that bind in defined sub-sties: FMN43, cyclic di-GMP44, and SAM-V riboswitches45. Ligands are shown as sticks, orange mesh shows ligand molecular envelope. RNA atoms within 6 Å of ligand are shown as a grey surface that delineates the topography of the binding pocket. The RNA surface within 2 Å of the ligand, equal to the van der-Waals contact distance57, is shown in blue. VDW surfaces were calculated using HOLLOW57 and were visualized in PyMOL (Schrodinger, LLC). PDB IDs for each structure are shown.