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. 2022 Mar 22;21:38. doi: 10.1186/s12904-022-00928-1

Table 1.

Characteristics of the study sample at the onset of specialist palliative care

Entire sample
(N = 361)
Home-based SPC
(N = 238)
Inpatient SPC
(N = 123)
n % n % n % p
Sociodemographic factors
Age (M, SD) 69.5 (12.5) 71.5 (10.9) 65.6 (14.4)  < .001
Gender Female 178 49.4 119 50.2 64 52.0 .739
Male 182 50.6 118 49.8 59 58.0
Religious confession Yes 202 57.7 126 55.3 76 62.3 .204
Family status Single 67 18.6 37 15.6 30 24.4 .104
Married or life partnership 178 49.4 119 50.2 59 48.0
Divorced or widowed 115 31.9 81 34.2 34 27.6
Have children Yes 258 71.9 170 71.7 88 72.1 .936
Living environment Living alone 119 33.5 81 34.9 38 30.9 .445
Living in the same household or near the family 236 66.5 151 65.1 85 69.1
School educationa Low (≤ 9 years) 143 40.5 96 41.6 47 38.5 .679
Intermediate (10 years) 99 28.0 66 28.6 33 27.0
High (12–13 years) 111 31.4 69 29.9 42 34.4
Disease-/care-related factors
Primary disease Gastrointestinal cancer 83 23.0 45 18.9 28 30.9 .058
Cancer of the respiratory system 66 18.3 50 21.0 16 13.0
Urogenital and breast cancer 115 31.9 78 32.8 37 30.1
Other malignancies 63 17.5 40 16.8 23 18.7
Not malignant 34 9.4 25 10.5 9 7.3
Physical symptom count (0–21) (M, SD) 10.3 (3.6) 10.1 (3.7) 10.7 (3.3) .137
Nursing situation before the onset of SPCb No nursing 70 20.3 37 16.4 33 27.7 .054
By relatives only 126 36.6 83 36.9 43 36.1
Nursing service only 101 29.4 74 32.9 27 22.7
Nursing service and relatives 47 13.7 31 13.8 16 13.4
Advanced directives – living will Yes 244 67.6 161 67.6 73 67.5 .974
Advanced directives – healthcare proxy Yes 231 64.0 156 65.5 75 61.0 .391
Psychological factors
Distress level (DT, 0-10) (M, SD) 7.2 (2.2) 7.1 (2.1) 7.3 (2.2) .563
Anxiety symptom level (GAD-2, 0–6) (M, SD) 2.4 (2.0) 2.5 (2.0) 2.1 (2.0) .045
Depressive symptom level (PHQ-2, 0–6) (M, SD) 3.0 (2.0) 3.0 (1.9) 3.0 (2.1) .954

Abbreviations: DT Distress Thermometer, GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 2-item Scale, M mean; p probability of type I error (chi-square-test for ordinal variables, two-sample t-test for continuous variables), PHQ-2 Patient Health Questionnaire – 2-item Depression Module, SD standard deviation, SPC specialist palliative care

Significant results are marked in bold

aLow: secondary general school-leaving certificate (leading to 3-year apprenticeship or to secondary vocational schools) or less, intermediate: intermediate school-leaving certificate (leading to 2–3 year apprenticeship, to secondary vocational, general schools or attaining a high school diploma, high: university/college entrance qualification; bNeed for informal and/or institutional care prior to being referred to SPC