Table 7.
Results of multivariable logistic regression for the presence of personal wishes at the onset of specialist palliative care
β | SE | OR (95% CI) | p | |
School education | ||||
Low (≤ 9 years) | .567 | .293 | 1.764 (.994–3.130) | .052 |
High (12–13 years) | .503 | .310 | 1.653 (.900–3.035 | .105 |
Physical symptom count (0–21) | .156 | .039 | 1.168 (1.083–1.260) | < .001 |
Palliative care ward | .687 | .270 | 1.987 (1.171–3.372) | .011 |
Anxiety symptom level (GAD-2, 0–6) | .069 | .554 | 1.053 (.920–1.204) | .457 |
Multivariable binary logistic regression analysis: N = 349 of 361 possible patients; Nagelkerke’s pseudo R2 = .131
Reference groups: dependent variable: not having a personal last wish; independent variables: low (secondary general school-leaving certificate or less) and high (university entrance qualification) vs. intermediate school-leaving certificate; palliative care ward vs. home-based specialist palliative care
Abbreviations ß unstandardized regression coefficient, SE standard error, OR odds ratio for independent variables, CI 95% confidence interval, p probability of type I error
Significant results are marked in bold