Optical modulation of free electrons.
(a) Energy comb of electron
losses and gains produced by ultrafast interaction with evanescent
light fields in the PINEM approach: experiment77 and theory87 comparison. Adapted
with permission from ref (87). Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society. (b) Laser-amplitude
dependence of the electron energy comb produced by PINEM interaction,
revealing quantum billiard dynamics among different electron energy
channels separated by the photon energy ℏω. Adapted with
permission from ref (88). Copyright 2015 Springer-Nature. (c, d) Tilt-angle dependence of
the PINEM energy comb produced by using a planar film (c) and associated
transfers of lateral linear momentum (d). Adapted with permission
from ref (83). Copyright
2018 Springer-Nature. (e) PINEM in the intermediate-coupling regime
showing a (n + 1)/n loss–gain
intensity ratio in the EELS spectra of silver nanoparticles with 100
keV electrons under ns-laser illumination, superimposed on regular
spontaneous EELS features, for beam positions as shown in the color-coordinated
spots of the upper-left image, along with gain and loss energy-filtered
images in the upper-middle and -right plots. Adapted with permission
from ref (81). Copyright
2019 Elsevier B.V. (f) Intense-coupling regime resulting in a large
number of PINEM energy sidebands under total-internal-reflection phase-matched
illumination (i.e., with the electron velocity matching the surface-projected
light speed inside the glass). Adapted with permission from ref (89). Copyright 2020 Springer-Nature.
(g) Transfer of angular momentum between light and electrons, as revealed
in a configuration similar to (c) through a donut shape of the electron
intensity in the Fourier plane after PINEM interaction. Adapted with
permission from ref (90). Copyright 2019 Springer-Nature. (h) Electron modulation into a
train of attosecond pulses upon propagation from the PINEM interaction
region over a sufficiently large distance to interlace different energy
sideband components in an electron microscope. Adapted with permission
from ref (91). Copyright
2017 Springer-Nature. (i, j) Single electron pulses produced by streaking
a train of pulses following the scheme shown in panel (i) and experimental
demonstration based on the observation of the time-resolved electron
current in a table-top e-beamline setup (j). Adapted with permission
from ref (92). Copyright
2020 American Physical Society.