Relationship between Polynesian, Native American, and European
ancestries. (a) Random-forest based local ancestry inference of a Rapanui
individual showing small (old) Native American ancestry tracts embedded in
Polynesian ancestry tracts. The ancestry of each haploid genome is coloured (top
and bottom for each homologous chromosome pair); the autosome pairs are numbered
along the vertical axis. (b) Ternary plot of ADMIXTURE ancestry fractions in
Rapanui individuals having Polynesian, European, and central Native American,
but no other, ancestries (each point corresponds to an individual). The first
principal component in the centered log-ratio transform space27 is projected onto the figure
as a dashed curve. The ancestries’ log-ratio variances are discussed in
Supplementary Data Tables
(c-d) Length distribution analyses for ancestry tracts in the six Rapanui
individuals having no European ancestry (c) and in North Marquesan individuals
(d). Plotted points show the aggregate tract length counts, lines show the
maximum likelihood best fit tract length distributions, and shading shows the
one standard deviation confidence intervals assuming Gaussian noise. The best
fit admixture chronology is plotted above the timeline as a line-history with
each colour representing an ancestry as indicated in the key (see a).