Adamson 2001 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Allsop 1997 |
Group MI. |
Anderson 1992 |
Intervention was not MI. |
Aubrey 1998 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Baer 2001 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Baker 1993 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Baker 2001 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Baker 2002 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Baker 2002b |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Baker 2005 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Baker 2006 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Barrowclough 2000 |
No results reported. Ongoing study in 2000. |
Barrowclough 2001 |
Not individual face‐to‐face intervention. |
Becka 2004 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Beckham 2007 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Bellack 2006 |
Intervention was not MI. |
Bernstein 2005 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Bethea 2006 |
Intervention was not MI. |
Booth 1998 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Borsari 2000 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Borsari 2003 |
Intervention was not MI. |
Brown 1993 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Brown 2007 |
Not individual face‐to‐face intervention. (Telephone and mail intervention). |
Brown 2009 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Butler 2009 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Bux 2005 |
Intervention was not MI. |
Ceperich 2002 |
No data reported. |
Chapman 2009 |
Not individual face‐to‐face intervention. |
Chavez 2003 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Clinton‐Sherrod 2008 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Corrigan 2005 |
Substance use was not an outcome. |
D'Angelo 2005 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Daeppen 2007 |
Not MI |
Daley 1998 |
Substance use was not an outcome. |
Davidson 2007 |
Did not compare MI with alternative. Both conditions received MI. |
Davis 2003 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Demmel 2003 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Dench 2000 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Dent 2008 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. Main references to Miller and Rollnick are missing. |
Dermen 2000 |
Not MI |
Disney 2005 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Dunn 1997 |
Not a randomised controlled trial. |
Dunn 2004 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Easton 2000 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Edwards 2006 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Fergusin 1998 |
Not MI. |
Floyd 2007 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Gauthier‐Faille 2006 |
Not MI. |
Gentilello 2001 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome (outcomes were injuries and traumas.) |
Ginsburg 2001 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Godley 2010 |
Not individual face‐to‐face intervention. (Part of the intervention involved the family.) |
Gogineni 2005 |
Not MI. |
Goti 2010 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Gray 2005 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Gregory 2001 |
Not MI. Not substance abusers. |
Gwadz 2008 |
Not MI. |
Handmaker 1999 |
Not substance abusers. |
Harper 2000 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Haug 2004 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Hayes 2007 |
Not substance abusers. |
Heather 1996 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Hester 2005 |
Not individual face‐to‐face intervention. |
Hickman 1999 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Hicks 1999 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Holder 2000 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Hulse 2003 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Johnson 2006 |
Intervention was not MI. |
Juarez 2006 |
Not substance abusers. |
Jungerman 2007 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Kanouse 2005 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Kidorf 2005 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Kidorf 2009 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Kinlock 2005 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Kuchipudi 1990 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Lachance 2004 |
Not MI. |
Larimer 2001 |
Not substance abusers. |
Longabaugh 2001 |
Not substance abusers. |
Longabaugh 2009 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Lozano 2006 |
Intervention was not MI. |
Magill 2009 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Mahmood 2002 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Marlatt 1998 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Martino 2000 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Mausbach 2007 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
McCambridge 2004 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
McDowell 2006 |
Intervention was not MI. |
Mckee 2007 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
McNally 2005 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Michael 2006 |
Not individual face‐to‐face intervention. |
Miller 2005 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Mitcheson 2007 |
Not MI. |
Monti 1999 |
Not substance abusers. |
Monti 2007 |
Not substance abusers. |
Morgenstern 2007 |
Did not compare MI with alternative intervention. |
Mullins 2004 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Murphy 2001 |
Does not compare MI with alternative intervention. |
Murphy 2003 |
Not MI. |
Murphy 2004 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Noonan 2001 |
Not individual face‐to‐face intervention (Group MI.) |
Oliveira 2008 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Ondersma 2007 |
Not individual face‐to‐face intervention. (Computer‐delivered.) |
Parsons 2007 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Patterson 2008 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Pavone 2002 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Rao 1999 |
Not individual face‐to‐face intervention. |
Reid 2005 |
Not MI. |
Rimmele 1998 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Samet 2005 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Sanchez 2001 |
Not MI. |
Sanchez‐Craig 1996 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Santa Ana 2005 |
Not MI. |
Santa Ana 2007 |
Not individual face‐to‐face intervention. (Group MI.) |
Saunders 1995 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Schilling 2002 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Scott 2002 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Scott 2009 |
Not MI. |
Sears 2006 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Sinha 2003 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Sitharthan 1999 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Sobell 2002 |
Not individual face to face intervention. |
Soderstrom 2007 |
Not substance abusers. |
Stein 2002a |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Stein 2006 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Stein 2006a |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Stephens 2000 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Stephens 2002 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Stockwell 1986 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Stotts 2004 |
Not MI. |
Swanson 1999 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Tapert 2003 |
Not substance abusers. |
Tevyaw 2007 |
Not individual face‐to‐face intervention. |
Thevos 1998 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Thush 2007 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Tirado 2005 |
Not MI. |
Vanderburg 2003 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Velasquez 2009 |
Not individual face‐to‐face intervention. (Both individual and group MI.) |
Wain 2006 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Walters 2000 |
Intervention was not MI. |
Walton 2010 |
Intervention is opportunistic one‐session MI in emergeny room. |
Weinrieb 2005 |
Not MI. |
Wells 1998 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Wells 2004 |
Not MI. |
Wertz 1994 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Whitten 2006 |
Substance abuse was not an outcome. |
Wilbourne 2005 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Woodall 2007 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |
Woody 2001 |
Not MI. |
Yonkers 2009 |
Not a randomized controlled trial. |
Zahradnik 2009 |
Not acceptable drug (prescription drugs). |
Zule 2009 |
Not fidelity check using video or audio. |