A) Schematic diagram showing the core components of the mammalian STRIPAK complex and some of its accessory molecules. Core STRIPAK components include serine/threonine-protein phosphatase catalytic subunit known as PP2Ac and the scaffolding subunit PP2Aa, together with striatins (STRN, STRN3, and STRN4), Mob3, STRIP1, or STRIP2, and a germinal center kinase, GCKIII kinase, bound via cerebral cavernous malformation 3 (Ccm3). Some molecules bind in a mutually exclusive pattern to the core components. Arrows show that sarcolemmal membrane-associated protein (SLMAP) and the suppressor of IKKe (SIKE) are not detected in STRIPAK complexes containing cortactin-binding proteins (CTTNBP2/NL) and vice versa. (
A has been adapted from Figure 3 in
Hwang and Pallas, 2014). (
B) STRING protein–protein interaction (PPI) network analysis of six zebrafish Strip1-interacting partners significantly enriched from IP-MS analysis highlighted in
Figure 5C. Network edges represent known and/or predicted functional interactions in the STRING database. Edge thickness reflects the combined STRING evidence score for each binary relationship. Thicker edges represent increased interaction evidence. PPI enrichment p value <1.0e−16. (
C) Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) plots showing different clusters of retinal cells at 48 hpf analyzed with Seuret R pipeline using data published by Xu B. et al. (2020). Twelve clusters are identified and categorized to different retinal cell types or subtypes. RPCs, retinal progenitor cells; RGCs, retinal ganglion cells; ACs, amacrine cells; BPs, bipolar cells; HCs, horizontal cells; PRs, photoreceptors; MGs, Müller glia. UMAP plots showing retinal mRNA expression patterns of
strip1 (
D) and its interacting STRIPAK components, identified from Co-IP/MS;
cttnbp2 (
ttnbp2nlb (
strn (
strn3 (
H), and
strn4 (
I). Only
strip1 and
strn3 show high retinal expression levels at 48 hpf compared to other partners.