Extended Data Fig. 2. Southern blot analyses to identify lines with stable functional TALEN expression.
For details, see Fig. 1b. (a) The blots in the upper panel show the full screen of all transgenic plants obtained with the three TALEN constructs. Pools of approximately ten kanamycin-resistant T1 seedlings were used for DNA extraction. Candidate lines showing a hybridization pattern consistent with TALEN cleavage activity are marked by black arrows. (b) Analysis of additional T1 descendants of four candidate T0 lines. Each lane represents a pool of two individual plants. The 1148 bp fragment (nad9 not cut by TALENs) is marked by a cyan arrowhead, the two fragments resulting from the TALEN cut (712 bp and 436 bp) are indicated by magenta arrowheads. All Southern blots shown here were performed once.