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. 2022 Feb 22;16(1):561. doi: 10.4081/oncol.2022.561

Table 1.

Expression of glucose transporters in cancer cells.

Cancer Changes in expression of glucose transporters
Hepatocellular carcinoma 1) Overexpression of GLUT1 in both primary and metastatic hepatic tumors;
2) Lack of GLUT1 expression in hepatoblastomas;
3) Overexpression of GLUT2;
4) Decreased levels of GLUT2 in preneoplastic and neoplastic hepatic lesions;
5) Significantly higher expression of GLUT5 in the liver metastatic lesions tumors. Higher level of GLUT5 in the liver carcinoma;
6) Overexpression of SGLT1.
Gallbladder carcinoma 1) Overexpression of GLUT1. Its expression increases from low-grade dysplasia toward carcinoma, and from benign toward malignant lesions.
Biliary intraepitheliala neoplasi 1) Expression of GLUT1 is correlated with aggressiveness of neoplasia and poor prognosis;
2) GLUT2 is detected only in the high-grade biliary intraepithelial neoplasia (BilIN). Its expression with cholangiocarcinogenesis of the large bile duct, may be a marker for the presence of high-grade BilIN lesions and atypical bile ducts. Expression of GLUT2 is correlated with early stage of carcinogenesis from high-grade neoplasia to invasive cholangiocarcinoma.
Pancreatic tumors 1) The level of GLUT1 expression depends on the stage of neoplasia; in stage pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasms (PanIN)-1A GLUT1 is not expressed in cancer cells, whereas in stage PanIN-3, its expression is significantly higher. No such expression was detected in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors;
2) GLUT2 is expressed in malignant tumors, but not in benign tumors. Its overexpression is detected in liver metastases, but not other metastases. Its expression in neuroendocrine tumors is downregulated;
3) Expression of GLUT4 is detected in the malignant pancreatic tumors, but not benign tumors. Studies suggest that GLUT4 expression is decreased in pancreatic tumors;
4) SGLT1 levels is correlated with Bcl-2 expression in pancreatic cancer patients.
Gastric cancer 1) Expression of GLUT1 is detected in late carcinogenesis and increases with disease progression;
2) GLUT2 and GLUT3 are overexpressed in gastric tumors.
Colorectal cancer 1) Level of GLUT1 is correlated with cancer stage;
2) Some studies revealed overexpression of GLUT2 in colorectal cancer;
3) GLUT4 is overexpressed in colon adenocarcinoma and in colon cancer;
4) SGLT1 is overexpressed in colorectal cancer, and its expression is correlated with the clinical stage of cancer.
Kidney cancer 1) GLUT1 is upregulated in renal cell carcinoma;
2) GLUT2 is downregulated in renal cell carcinoma;
3) Level of GLUT3 mRNA is increased;
4) GLUT4 expression may be downregulated, or upregulated depending on the type of renal cancer;
5) GLUT5 is overexpressed in renal cell carcinoma;
6) GLUT9 and GLUT12 are downregulated in kidney cancer.
Prostate cancer 1) GLUT1 is overexpressed and its expression depends on the malignancy grade;
2) GLUT3 and GLUT5 are expressed in normal prostate gland tissue, but not prostate carcinoma;
3) GLUT5 expression is observed in the high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia;
4) Level of GLUT7 mRNA is higher in benign tissue than in prostate cancer;
5) The level of GLUT9 mRNA in prostate cancer is decreased in comparison with benign tissue;
6) Level of GLUT11 mRNA in prostate cancer is higher as compared to benign prostate cancer;
7) GLUT12 expression is detected in malignant prostate tissue, but not in benign prostate hyperplasia;
8) Level of SGLT1 is increased in prostate cancer cells;
9) SGLT2 is expressed in prostate adenocarcinoma, but not in the normal prostate gland.
Cervical cancer 1) GLUT1 is overexpressed and its expression is correlated with the histologic grade of a tumor;
2) The SLC2A6 gene is the most highly expressed gene of 40 genes investigated in endometrial cancer.
Ovarian cancer 1) Normal ovarian epithelial cells are negative or weakly positive for GLUT1, whereas epithelial ovarian cancer cells are positive for GLUT1.
Expression is correlated with the grade of tumor;
2) GLUT3 is not detected in normal ovarian tissue, whereas high immunostaining is detected in ovarian cancer;
3) GLUT4 is not detected in normal ovarian tissue or malignant tumors; however, in some studies its expression was detected in ovarian tumor cells;
4) Expression of SGLT1 increases with tumor grade.
Breast cancer 1) GLUT1 is overexpressed in breast cancer, whereas healthy breast cells are negative or slightly positive for this glucose transporter;
2) GLUT5 expression is observed in human breast cancer cells, but not in normal human breast tissue;
3) NIS expression is observed in 13% of normal breast tissue samples, and in 76-89% of breast cancer samples.
Lung cancer 1) Expression of GLUT1–GLUT5 depends on the histological subtype of lung cancer;
2) SGLT1 is overexpressed in lung cancer;
3) SGLT2 expression is significantly higher in metastatic areas than primary tumors;
4) NIS is detected in lung carcinoma samples but not in healthy human lung tissue.
Brain cancer 1) GLUT1 mRNA level correlates with astrocytoma grade, whereas GLUT1 protein is not detected in human brain tumors;
2) GLUT3 level correlates with glioma grade, and is the predominant glucose transporter in highly malignant cells of the human brain;
3) The level of GLUT4 mRNA correlates with glioma tumor grade.
4) Level of GLUT4 mRNA correlates with glioma tumor grade.
Thyroid cancer 1) GLUT1, GLUT3, and GLUT14 are upregulated, and their expression correlates with advanced tumor stage, tumor aggressiveness, and poor prognosis;
2) GLUT9 is not detected in normal thyroid tissue, whereas its expression is detected in papillary thyroid carcinoma;
3) High NIS expression is observed in thyroid cancers, but its activity depends on its cellular localization.
Adrenocortical carcinoma 1) GLUT1 and GLUT3 are detected in the adrenocortical carcinoma samples but not in normal adrenal glands or adenomas.
Thymic carcinomas 1) GLUT1 is upregulated and its overexpression depends on the subtype of thymic carcinoma.
Skin cancer 1) GLUT1 is downregulated in nonmelanoma skin cancer;
2) In melanoma samples, expression of GLUT1 depends on the explants of melanoma.
Laryngeal cancer 1) GLUT1 mRNA and protein levels positively correlate with tumor grade.
Bone cancer 1) GLUT1 is overexpressed in osteosarcoma cells and its level is significantly associated with tumor node metastasis.
Multiple myeloma 1) Overexpression of GLUT1, GLUT4, GLUT8, and GLUT11 is observed in cancer cell lines;
2) GLUT3 is downregulated in these cancer cell lines.
Lymphomas 1) GLUT1 is not detected in cancer cells;
2) Level of GLUT3 is higher in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma than in normal cells;
3) GLUT4 is overexpressed in chronic lymphoblastic leukemia in comparison with normal B-cells.