Table II.
Telomerase activators.
Authors/(Refs), year | Molecule | Activity |
Yu et al (42), 2018; Chu and Hickson (44), 2009 | Cycloastragenol or TA-65b | Upregulates the telomerase expression through the ERK pathway; induces the expression of JAK2; is a signal transducer and activator of STAT5b and modulates the telomerase expression through the JAK/STAT pathway |
Kim et al (30), 2018 | PROX1b | Novel transcriptional activator of TERT with strong binding affinity for the mutant hTERT promoter |
Li et al (31), 2017 | CDC5Lb | Novel hTERT promoter-binding protein and its knockdown inhibited tumor growth by down-regulating hTERT expression; it is also a transcriptional activator of hTERT |
Chen et al (32), 2015 | SPT5b | Acts as a novel tumor-specific hTERT promoter-binding protein and activator in colon cancer cells |
Qin et al (33), 2015 | RFPL3 and CBPb | RFPL3 binds to hTERT promoter; CBP is a co-activator promoting interaction between RFPL3 and hTERT promoter; RFPL3 act together with CBP to upregulate hTERT through the CBP-induced acetylation of RFPL3 protein and their co-anchoring at hTERT promoter region |
Le Saux et al (29), 2013 | GRN510a | Induces the upregulation of TERT |
Sanokawa-Akakura et al (36), 2016 | Hydrogen sulfideb | Maintains the expression of hTERT in a NAMPT-and SIRT1-dependent manner, delaying the onset of replicative senescence |
Stefanou et al (34), 2010 | Leptinb | Modulates hTERT transcription by the binding of STAT3 and Myc/Max/Mad network proteins on the hTERT promoter |
Yu et al (35), 2018 | ZEB1b | It binds to the hTERT promoter and upregulates hTERT transcription by activating the YAP co-activator |
Tsoukalas et al (48), 2019 | Centella asiatica extract formulation (08AGTLF)b | Enhances telomerase activity, the mechanism remains unclear |
Akiyama et al (37), 2011 | EPOb | Regulates telomerase via 2 separate mechanisms: i) On the transcriptional level, by regulating hTERT gene transcription through Janus tyrosine kinase 2/STAT5/c-Myc; and ii) on the post transcriptional level, by controlling hTERT protein phosphorylation by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT |
Uchiumi et al (45), 2011 | Resveratrolb | Increases Werner's syndrome gene promoter activity, and that expression of its gene and protein is accompanied by up-regulation of telomerase in HeLa S3 cells, without affecting cell viability |
Referred to synthetic inhibitors;
referred to non-synthetic/natural inhibitors. PROX, prospero homeobox protein; CDC5L, cell division cycle 5-like; SPT5, suppressor of Ty homolog-5; RFPL3, ret finger protein like 3; CBP, CREB binding protein; GRN163L, imetelstat; ZEB1, zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1; EPO, erythropoietin.