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. 2022 Mar 8;25(5):158. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2022.12674

Table II.

Telomerase activators.

Authors/(Refs), year Molecule Activity
Yu et al (42), 2018; Chu and Hickson (44), 2009 Cycloastragenol or TA-65b Upregulates the telomerase expression through the ERK pathway; induces the expression of JAK2; is a signal transducer and activator of STAT5b and modulates the telomerase expression through the JAK/STAT pathway
Kim et al (30), 2018 PROX1b Novel transcriptional activator of TERT with strong binding affinity for the mutant hTERT promoter
Li et al (31), 2017 CDC5Lb Novel hTERT promoter-binding protein and its knockdown inhibited tumor growth by down-regulating hTERT expression; it is also a transcriptional activator of hTERT
Chen et al (32), 2015 SPT5b Acts as a novel tumor-specific hTERT promoter-binding protein and activator in colon cancer cells
Qin et al (33), 2015 RFPL3 and CBPb RFPL3 binds to hTERT promoter; CBP is a co-activator promoting interaction between RFPL3 and hTERT promoter; RFPL3 act together with CBP to upregulate hTERT through the CBP-induced acetylation of RFPL3 protein and their co-anchoring at hTERT promoter region
Le Saux et al (29), 2013 GRN510a Induces the upregulation of TERT
Sanokawa-Akakura et al (36), 2016 Hydrogen sulfideb Maintains the expression of hTERT in a NAMPT-and SIRT1-dependent manner, delaying the onset of replicative senescence
Stefanou et al (34), 2010 Leptinb Modulates hTERT transcription by the binding of STAT3 and Myc/Max/Mad network proteins on the hTERT promoter
Yu et al (35), 2018 ZEB1b It binds to the hTERT promoter and upregulates hTERT transcription by activating the YAP co-activator
Tsoukalas et al (48), 2019 Centella asiatica extract formulation (08AGTLF)b Enhances telomerase activity, the mechanism remains unclear
Akiyama et al (37), 2011 EPOb Regulates telomerase via 2 separate mechanisms: i) On the transcriptional level, by regulating hTERT gene transcription through Janus tyrosine kinase 2/STAT5/c-Myc; and ii) on the post transcriptional level, by controlling hTERT protein phosphorylation by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT
Uchiumi et al (45), 2011 Resveratrolb Increases Werner's syndrome gene promoter activity, and that expression of its gene and protein is accompanied by up-regulation of telomerase in HeLa S3 cells, without affecting cell viability

Referred to synthetic inhibitors;


referred to non-synthetic/natural inhibitors. PROX, prospero homeobox protein; CDC5L, cell division cycle 5-like; SPT5, suppressor of Ty homolog-5; RFPL3, ret finger protein like 3; CBP, CREB binding protein; GRN163L, imetelstat; ZEB1, zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1; EPO, erythropoietin.