Table 5. Structural Group 5: Summary of Carcinogenic Potencies for Group AI Determination26,35−37,f.
As reported in LCDB unless otherwise noted; the TD50 from the most sensitive organ site from the study deemed the most robust study is reported.
The AI for structural group 5 considered the worst-case TD50 from 3-hydroxy-N-nitrosopiperidine as well as the associated TD50 95% lower confidence interval.
CI in parentheses.
TD50, as well as upper and lower 95% confidence intervals, was calculated.
Study design does not allow for a reliable estimate of TD50. Dosing was limited to 3× per week for 7.3 weeks
LCDB, Lhasa Carcinogenicity Database; TD50, dose producing a 50% tumor incidence; ND, not determined.