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. 2022 Feb 21;23(1):e00209-21. doi: 10.1128/jmbe.00209-21


Number and percentage of individuals of each a) gender identity, b) aggregated race/ethnicity; UR indicates those from a race or ethnicity that is underrepresented in medical school (e.g., Hispanic, black, mixed races identifying with Hispanic or black race), c) aggregated household income (high > $75,001, intermediate between $25,001 and $75,000, and low < $25,000), and d) aggregated parent’s highest level of income responding to the survey

Demographic characteristic Frequency (percentage)
Gender Identity Male: 16 (18%)
Female: 70 (80%)
Race/Ethnicity Asian: 21 (24%)
UR: 15 (17%)
White: 51 (59%)
Household Income Low: 32 (37%)
Intermediate: 23 (36%)
High: 14 (16%)
Prefer not to answer: 18 (21%)
Parent’s Highest Level of Education No Bachelor’s degree: 8 (9%)
Bachelor’s degree: 30 (35%)
Post Bachelor’s degree: 49 (56%)